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Threats to Social Security Are Not Over

Levana Layendecker, Democracy for America

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The threats to undermine Social Security continue. This week the Wall Street Journal reported that four Senators, Crapo, Coburn, Conrad, and Durbin(!), are meeting regularly on a plan to reintroduce the ideas from the Deficit Commission that include raising the retirement age and cutting Social Security benefits. Meanwhile, in the House, Rep. Cantor says that Social Security is still on the table to be cut. We can't let this happen.

We want to make sure that Congress understands what they are doing when they plan to cut the rug out from under working people who need Social Security to support themselves, their families, and their communities. That's why we are collecting stories from folks like you to share with Congress and to put in TV ads for everyone to see.

Yes! I have a Social Security story I want to share!

I don't have a Social Security story, but I'll contribute $5 to put these stories on the air.

Social Security is a promise we made with each other to support one another in retirement or in cases of disability. This promise is how we keep our communities stable and secure when we need it most.

We will share these stories with Progressive Members of Congress to talk about on the House and Senate floor, we will send your stories to all Members of Congress, and we will use some stories for a TV ad to make sure that everyone knows the faces of people who depend on Social Security.

Yes! I want to make sure members of Congress hear my story!

I don't have a Social Security story, but I'll contribute so that others' stories can be shared.

Thank you for all that you do.


Levana Layendecker, Communications Director

Democracy for America

Feb. 9, 2011