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Question for America - Overthrowing Debt Slavery - Rebellion Against Corporate and Financial Power - Populism and Social Credit - Being Responsible

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Q: What is the core knowledge the world must have to overthrow debt slavery and chronic economic depressions – and such extreme redistribution of wealth to financiers, speculators and monopoly corporations?

A: Each class – creditor and debtor – operates in a different economy. The creditor class regulates both. The lower class – consisting of the household and production sectors of the domestic economy – is constrained to operate in the lower loop. Banks and governments are the means whereby the upper loop regulates and "farms" the lower loop.

In the lower loop, money exists only as loans made by banks. Every loan for a time reflates purchasing power to the lower loop, but eventually ends up deflating more purchasing power than was added – for the simple reason that both the principal of the loan and compound interest on the loan must be paid back.

The upper loop provides the lower loop with a flow of loans; but it takes back over time a larger flow than it gives out. Since the lower loop of households and domestic businesses of the domestic economy cannot pay back the loan with money, it must pay with assets.

If the upper loop wants to own new industries that exploit new technologies, they extend loans to lower loop businesses so that the lower loop entrepreneurs, engineers and skilled workers will have the tools and payment to develop and build this new industry. Then the upper loop simply stops making loans until the drainage of principal and interest bring on deflation and depression. The new businesses will fail due to lack of demand for their products, which in turn is due to the drain of purchasing power. The new businesses will go bankrupt – and will be bought up cheaply by the upper loop with their large reserve of accumulated interest which they have been withholding.

However, the upper loop does not buy the failed businesses directly from the people who started the businesses and built them. Rather, they wait until the businesses have gone into receivership, so that the money they pay for the bankrupt properties will not go to lower loop people. The upper loop loses power if the lower loop people ever have purchasing power free and clear.

Now the upper loop money is not loans. The money of the upper loop is bets. It is a money of pure speculation. When speculators gamble in the derivatives market, they create marketable bets called derivatives – but also commodities futures, swaptions or whatever bet they choose to make. The upper loop is completely unregulated. The upper loop is all about gaining assets from value they have created "out of thin air": they find that "thin air" moves physical matter and controls human behavior. The upper loop uses "thin air" to gain the assets of the earth.

One more thing. If a nation should try to run its own purchasing power system, the upper loop creditor class will use some of their accumulated interest or just their great "thin-air" event-shaping power to buy politicians or revolutionaries or other troublemakers, to bring those nations down.

It is my hope that if enough people know what is going on, they will band together and capture the thin-air machine and modify it so that it provides thin-air purchasing power exclusively to the household sector of the lower loop. There will be no more upper loop. Each household will receive new purchasing power free and clear, to spend as he or she sees fit. (Children's social credit can be saved for an education and a house, or spent on present family expenditures.) This new money appearing in households will be the only source of new money in the economy. Thus, all economic power and political power will stem from the household sector. Household demand will direct production.

There will be a financial sector; but it will no longer create our money. Banking will be a simple matter of paying savers for the use of their savings, so that money can be given to entrepreneurs, engineers and skilled workmen to meet the needs of the country.

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Dick Eastman

Yakima, Washington

Every man is responsible to every other man

Jan. 25, 2011