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LaRouche: The Weakest Point in the System, BRIC, [Brazil, Russia, India, China] is Bringing the Whole System Down With It

Lyndon LaRouche

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The whole international financial system is coming down, in a chain-reaction fashion, and it is happening now, Lyndon LaRouche stressed today. The emerging picture of the imploding Brazilian credit bubble and banking system, LaRouche noted, is simply making clear what I've said all along: that the BRIC is the weak point in the whole Ponzi scheme set up by the Inter-Alpha Group of banks going back to 1971, and things tend to break apart at their weakest point.

The whole world system, centered on the Inter-Alpha Group, is now coming down. There is nothing they can do to prevent it, except to try to establish fascist dictatorships, but that won't work either at this point—we are beyond that. The only thing that will actually work, LaRouche stressed, is a global Glass-Steagall reorganization, the American System of credit, but the guys in charge today won't do it, and prefer to bring the whole world down with them.

I could handle it, LaRouche said, but anything less than my program will not work.

All crashes go like this, LaRouche added. The BRIC cover-story was used to sucker in certain Cayman Island-based Russians and others to the carry trade Ponzi scheme. That has been stretched beyond the limit, in order to create a phony appearance of value behind the Inter-Alpha Group of banks. So the weakest point was used to cover up the vulnerabilities of the largest parts of the scheme. Then, when the weakest link breaks, it detonates the biggest portions, and everything goes.

The BRIC and the Brazilian carry trade were always a cover-up, LaRouche said; they are a kind of financial transvestite hiding very ugly things underneath. And the Brazil illusion could only be maintained with a special kind of dictatorship, which is not possible elsewhere at this point.

So the Brazil meltdown is a signal that the whole system is coming down. Things are crumbling at the edges, but it's all coming down now.

Dec. 5, 2010