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The Truth About OITC (Updated Nov. 29, 2010)

Kumar Singaram

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Dear Patrick, 
I think your publication of this might be useful to many of your readers. I actually know the top people of OITC and they are appalled by much that is written about them, not just what is written against them, but even that often written in their defence. There are readers of Fourwinds10 that also know them and would, I believe, agree with me.
I have for a long time read the various postings regarding OITC. I often wonder how many people writing in your pages have actually met the two key men in OITC. I have read the postings of those who cannot understand what OITC is, or perhaps wish to ensure that OITC remains a controversial organization and, of those that defend the organization. In my experience with OITC, neither are right.
I would like to put to rest much of this debate, for both sides are often incorrect. Whistleblower does certainly know a lot about OITC, but much of what he has to say is incorrect too. Whistleblower connects to a man named David Sale who does unfortunately work for OITC, and often thinks he is OITC. Sale claims that Scott no longer works with Dr. Dam, but I attended a meeting with them both only a few days ago and it is clear Scott is very much in his position.
I have known both Dr. Dam and Keith Scott for some time and I would like to share with your readers much of what I know. Firstly I would like to share my personal knowledge of these two men, simply as the men I know. I am not alone in my understanding of them. You have never heard anything from either of them and it is most unlikely that you ever will. It is only when you talk to these two men that you understand what OITC actually is and what they actually do. Nothing of it is like the fantasies of Whistleblower and his old boss, David Sale.
Dr. Ray C. Dam is one of the most extraordinary men I have ever met. He is very private and very formal, but extremely gracious toward people who are respectful and well mannered. At the same time, when he is unsure of someone and uncomfortable with them, he tends to appear to be arrogant, and sometimes, he is just plain arrogant. His knowledge of law, commerce and banking in all its facets is, I feel, unequalled by anyone else I have ever met. No matter what one wishes to discuss, he can quote compliance regulations and laws, and he understands fully the effect of every decision he makes. In my personal knowledge of him and in my discussions with him, he has always provided proof of his authorities and I have even seen the licenses issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System re his authority and control over certain aspects of trading. In my view, even though many accuse him of a number of irregularities, I have no doubt these are not true. Frankly, I believe this man is incorruptible. He was once offered a huge amount of money (in excess of $100 Million) to get rid of Keith Scott who has worked with him for many years, but he refused that on the basis that nobody has the right to tell him who can work with him and that no amount of money can buy him. 
The second most important person, Dr. Dam's closest confidante,is  Keith Scott. Scott is as casual as Dr. Dam is formal. Most of Scott's close friends are people of intelligence and usually of considerable refinement. Scott is highly intelligent, extremely so and probably knows more about the history of the assets of OITC than any other man alive, something even Dr. Dam acknowledges. Those who really know Scott, trust him totally and it has always been that way and I know some people with very credible backgrounds who have immense respect for him. Anyone who knows this man for any length of time knows that he is unswervingly loyal to Dr. Dam, and for this reason he is Dr. Dam's most trusted friend. What anyone who has known these two gentlemen for any number of years can tell you and will tell you, is they share a common bond, a bond based on deep religious beliefs. What is not known so well, is that Scott never at any time agreed to work for Dr. Dam, what was agreed was he would work with Dr. Dam. This is not a boss and servant relationship, it is a relationship of two people with the common goal of doing what they believe to be right, both serving the mandate given to Dr. Dam by the international community. Like any partners who are honest with each other, they at times disagree and each stand their ground until the argument is resolved through reason. Arguments are always about issues, they are never personal.
These are the two key people in OITC, let there be no doubt about that. No matter what grand title others may hold, or how important they believe they are, OITC is really just Dr. Dam and Keith Scott, often referred to as Dr. No and Hung Fat by people in the gold industry. Dr. Dam makes the final decision, but in anything important, he will discuss the matter with Scott before making that decision.
Many of the claims made about OITC controlling all the wealth in the world, or even claiming to, are absurd. The claims that OITC is the absolute control system over the Global Accounts are also wrong, and both Scott and Dr. Dam will tell you this themselves. But, they are a key component in a system of checks and balances. OITC also recognize organizations that hold the wealth in bank accounts, organizations like Foundation Divine, Crown Commodity Holdings, Crown Holdings, Heritage Foundation International, White Dragon Society, Black Dragon Society, the Soekarno Family, the Marcos Assets, Alpha Omega etc., as signatories on various bank accounts.
Over the past 70 years under the legacy of the Tripartite Gold Commission (1946-1996) which operated from the Hague, there were anomalies that occurred in the management of these assets, due to the political leverage in the use of the assets by the tripartite powers (Britain, France and America) the members of the Schweitzer Conference (the 42 nations with most contributed assets in the system) decided the system was unfair and decided to apply the one condition set forth in the Articles of Formation of the Bank for International Settlements (January 20, 1930) for the remedy of this anomaly, that remedy being the appointment of a Sole Arbiter. They so did on January 20, 1995. The date, January 20 was not an accident. 
The next thing to understand is that all these collateral accounts committed to the Bank for International Settlements are further registered in the International Division of the United States Department of the Treasury and are the underlying fractional backing of the US Dollar.  The US Dollar is not a United States of America Dollar. The US Dollar is a Federal Reserve Note. It is the Global currency, it is beyond the backing of just the United States Taxpayer, so is partially backed by the assets of the Global Debt Facility, which is also known as the International Collateral Combined. These accounts by virtue of International Treaties underwrite the US Dollar and in order to do so, are held in the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts of the Federal Reserve System. 
The sole Signatory of those accounts is Dr. Ray. C. Dam. As the Sole Arbiter he is sole controller of those accounts and no asset within those accounts may legally be used without his consent. He has no political ambition and addresses all matters put before him on their own worth. He considers everything on the basis of what is right and what is wrong. He has never agreed to the misuse of these accounts and wherever he can, he will pursue those doing wrong. When one understands that there are bank accounts in a Central Bank to which the assets have been assigned by their actual owners (countries) from other bank accounts by way of international and registered treaties, then the holder of the original accounts (Trustees), where the money is deposited, is not the owner of those funds. Further, because the signatories to those original accounts control the income to be received from the Parent accounts, their position is neither illusory nor insignificant. 
Now, the authorities lie with Dr. Ray C. Dam. They do not lie with OITC. The registration of all authorities inside the United Nations, and the recognition of those authorities as being Sovereign in nature is recorded under Control Number 10-60847.  What everyone tries to verify is OITC. You cannot, because inside United Nations, OITC have no authority and are not recognized, because OITC operates under the authority of Dr. Ray C. Dam. 
The mirroring of these accounts by banks for many years is what created the recent Banking Crisis. That banking crisis has changed many things. Before the banking crisis, banks routinely denied OITC's rights and simply mirrored these assets as their own. That this was done through the Treasury and in collusion with the Fedsystem, there is little doubt. OITC began lobbying both the United States Congressional Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Banking and Housing Committee in early 2006 requesting intervention and warning of the sub prime mortgage problem and the further problem of banks using Collateral Accounts as their own for underwriting and insurance purposes and warned both Committees of the dangers of this as there was no possibility to call on the underwriting of these issues as the underwriting agreements were totally fraudulent. This is why the Banks did not care about the risks, because due to their illegal collusion between the banks, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, the banks believed the underwriting would stand for them and they would be safe. As there was nobody who could sign against the accounts, the Swiss Federal Finance Administration would never call the original accounts for delivery of the funds as they would have to then carry the responsibility as Switzerland is the Protective Assurers of the security of the accounts. The underwriters, brokerage companies like bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Bros., who were also warned by OITC of the potential for disaster and merely ignored the warnings, paid the price of their own arrogance. OITC knew this would happen and decided to just sit and wait.
The stories of OITC being a scam, are the story of narrow minded people who know little, but believe they know everything. These stories are not based on fact, but based on what people assume. There are original account holders who do not understand the relationships between their accounts and OITC, and this is not difficult to understand when nobody has ever told them. They believe they own these assets, even though are only the account Trustees. The funds have been there so long that these people truly believe they own the accounts. This is not only nonsense, it is impossible. 
The centralizing of assets was decided after one world war and completed through another world war. The cost of this to the world was horrific, but when one understands that Emperors and Kings and World leaders in 1921 understood the need to eliminate the Gold Standard because they understood it's potential for war and the growing potential for war to destroy humanity, they knew the world must centralize these assets and that all nations must have equitable (notice I did not say equal) access, each for the development of their nation. The Bank for International Settlements was created for this purpose. If one can understand that Japan was a founding member of the BIS and United States was not, then one sees through the public consumption lie that the BIS was set up to handle war reparation payments from Germany. Similarly, as the meeting in 1921 was sealed to prevent any personal liability for what happened in the second world war or for any other responsibility, and so those seals till today cover the actions and operations of OITC. Today, the unknowing and the ignorant argue for the return of the Gold Standard because they have not learned, and therefore benefited, from the harsh lessons of history. OITC argue for a value base to currency, not just based on gold in bank vaults, but based on assets in the ground, trees in national forests, the wealth of cities and infrastructure, then using one to generate the other.  Anywhere you see the things that Scott has written on behalf of OITC, he brilliantly spells all this out. They despise the World Bank and if they were able, would stop most of the funding they receive. They see the IMF as having potential value, but an organization still trying to learn what that should be. They regret the disasters these two organizations have created throughout the world.
OITC is a real organization doing what they have been mandated to do, regardless of whether we understand them or not. They are men with honour and dignity who will act truly in pursuit of that mandate, trying to do something good in this world, sometimes succeeding and sometimes not. The illusions that they are a scam group on one side or the illusion promoted by Whistleblower are merely fantasies of the mind, on one side from people with no knowledge of either the men or what the organization does and on the other side people who believe what they say even though it is not the all powerful organization they say it is.
OITC operates on authorities granted to Dr. Ray C. Dam, who prior to this position, was the gold signatory for the G5 and later the G7 Governments. Dr. Dam is a man of proven honour and integrity, you cannot force him and you certainly cannot buy him. Scott is a man with a vision for a better world and the heart to do all he can do to see it achieved.  He is not a con man or a crook, but a man who simply knows what needs to be done and is doing the best he can to see that happen. He is liked and regarded as a friend by many very intelligent and practical people, most of whom agree with his vision.
In truth, I cannot say whether they will ever achieve what they have set out to achieve, but I do know they will not stop trying. I would also say, that before anyone criticises these men and what they do, then they should first know them and know what it is that they actually do. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Kumar Singaram
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 3:20 AM
Subject: The truth about OITC
#1  (Reply)
Dear Mr. Bellringer,
I am pleased to see that you have published the real truth about OITC. 
It almost 5 years since Keith Scott first came to  Fiji to help the poor and needy Fijian resources and landowners with our objectives to develop their own resources from the fund provided by OITC
The TRUTH about that meeting in 2006 remains straight as an arrow and clear as crystals until today.  I brought Keith into Fiji to help us the poor and needy indigenous landowners of Fiji.who have been over 200 hundred of years denied of our fair and just shares of our resources by those corrupted leaders of our country. 
Through my arrangements Keith met those in goverment authority from our country's President, Minister for Finance, Governor of Reserve Bank, President of the House of Senate and other prominent leaders of the land. The Prime Minister at that time and the Commissioner of Police refused to meet him but they feed all the untrue thing to the media. Look what happened to them today.  The Prime Minister standing before the judges in Fijian courts for corruption and the police commissioner fleeing Fiji, but Keith Scott can come back and be welcomed by the Chiefs and the Fijian people who know his real heart.
Keith did not take any single cent nor we paid him a single cent for his 10 days staying with us in Fiji. It was very unfortunate that there were people in powerful control in Fiji who do not like the US$6 billion to help us the indigenous Fijian because it would end their White and Asian paymasters control over businesses and monetary supremacy in Fiji. It was Keith Scott who showed us just how much the Fijian landowners were being cheated. Can you imagine for one thing which is our mahogany trees. When Keith Scott came to Fiji we do not know the real value of the mahogany and farmers were being paid as little as US$15 for a tree with a market value of between US$3000 and US$4000. 
So many times I have read what OITC did was try to cheat the people of Fiji. This is not true. All the claims that OITC required control of Fiji land is not true. They never ask anything from us, but they would build age care centers, new prisons, new secondary and tertiary education centers and they would plant new forests and create new industries. In repayment, they would own a 10% interest in the new forests even when they would pay 100% of the cost for planting at a cost $5000 per hectare. They asked nothing else. They gave us an asset worth US$3 Billion and we asked the Government to help us to collect this money. The people in our government were profiting from the cheating of land owners of the value of their timber and who were taking control of oil leases worth tens of billions of dollars that did not like what OITC offered. You can only cheat and suppress poor people, so those people in government who were in collusion with White and Asian companies that were cheating us did not want the Chiefs and the Fijian people to have this money. That is the real truth.
I am so thankful of our current Bainimarama's government leadership  today that many of those that do not like Keith Scott and OITC's funding programmes are serving prison sentences in our old and terrible prisons for corruption, abuse of offices and powers. Many are still standing before the Judges today awaiting sentencing, like our former Prime Minister, Lasenia Qarase who was the real one who blocked the Chiefs from receiving that funding.. One thing I would like to tell you, that Keith and the Chiefs of Fiji are still very close together. Dr. Dam and Keith Scott are still travelling across the globe from end to another in the presence of Police and Interpol doing their work. If they are the crooks, then why are they not arrested? 
Keith Scott is welcome in Fiji anytime he likes to come here, and he has been back here several times since 2006. Let former idiot police commissioner Andrew Hughes come back to Fiji because we have a jail cell for him if ever he comes back. 
I have read so many bad comments in the inernet including emails sent directly to me (including phone calls) to disassociate myself from Keith, OITC and Dr. Dam. The Fijian Chiefs all know the truth about OITC and still support them because they are the only foreigners who come here and see what is wrong and say it is wrong. They want to help our poor people, but those in power do everything to block them. People can say all kind of things but OITC never do anything bad to us, or even tried to do something bad to us. 
Kumar Singaram makes a very good statement. If you do not know these men in OITC, and if you do not know what they really do, then you have no business and no right to criticize them or accuse them.  
I do not think that Keith needs to account or to explain himself to anyone in the internet just because of the stupid electronic circulation or whatever the case maybe around the globe, but I have to say, it is nice to see someone who really knows OITC stand up and tell the truth. 
Sefanaia Masivou Kaumaitotoya. 
Nov. 28, 2010