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Bank Holiday ?

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Hello Steve

I have been watching you and hawk for about 2 yrs now and with all the talk of the Bank Holiday I have some insight on it.

I cannot disclose the Bank I work for because I would most likely lose my job. I am a Branch Manager, I work for a nationwide bank that covers one third of the U.S. Last week mainly Wednesday Nov 3rd – Saturday Nov 6th we had a huge outage all over the country debit cards were declined, debit cards were double and triple posted and checks were declined in the automated systems. This caused many problems and we were given no reason. Then it really got bad Monday Nov 8th. Yesterday was a very unusual day. I went on our secure site to view the listing of the new Branch openings and we had about 100 new openings planned for 2011 a few days a ago and yesterday we had 5. The only reason the 5 are there is because the construction is almost done. Then the real issue came. I got an email from my Regional Manager and then one from my Regional VP. I was told that all Management would be unavailable the entire week 8th-12th. There would be no Upper Management available anywhere in the country. No branch is allowed to call their Regional or VP for anything. If it is an emergency we could text them. I was not given a reason until I did some searching and found an email from another VP and the reason was “Strategic Planning Session this week “. This has never been done before in our company bringing every single upper management to one location for a week and not allowed to call them. Then I placed my cash order yesterday and was not able to place my order through my normal supplier the corporate office had to place it for me. Not normal at all.

More confirmation.

----- Original Message -----
From: W
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 6:47 PM
Subject: Bank Holiday ?