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Response to article: 'IS IT TIME FOR A NEW JUBILEE?' by Mike Rivero

Rocky Montana

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ng-lasting solution to America's financial woes is for Congress to take back its Constitutional responsibility to issue the nation's money, interest free.  Were Jubilee to be the Law of the Land, I suspect it would induce people to take advantage; borrowing money on the 49th year without the intent of ever paying it back, in essence-- stealing, which is possibly why the law was abolished in Rome so many years ago.  A one-time financial reset would help the economy recover from our present recession as this recession was caused by the very ones who engineered and benefited from it.  If we had an equitable system to replace our current system with, which does not include a fiat money and interest bearing system, a parasitic Federal Reserve, a corporate fascist state, a corrupt and rapacious Wall Street and US representatives, judges and a President who believed in and defended the US Constitution in all decisions and truly did the will of the American people, and if Congress issued the nation's money, interest free, we could eliminate recessions altogether.  Don't count on a financial re-set occurring anytime soon, however, for as I understand it, the concept of a jubilee is the antithesis to the plan of the British-Israeli Zionists and the international bankers (the Satanic groups called Zionist, Illuminati, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Federal Reserve, communist, Marxist, socialist and Progressive, etc.--'A ruse by any other name would smell as bad') plan to take our nation. 
Here's the cold, hard facts:  Those men holding the reins of power of our government have carefully planned and worked for the creation of a large welfare state and control of our country for a long, long time.  Their immediate goal is to steal the wealth of this country by all means possible and have the majority of Americans financially poor.  (I would say they have done a pretty good job of that thus far.)  They are replacing free-market capitalism with big-corporation fascism (the opposite of free-market competition) just as fast as they can.  By doing this, they will make it appear as if our present system of free-market capitalism and  US Constitution have failed us.  They will then tout and continue to give us 'socialism' as the solution to all our problems.  The open US borders and amnesty are part of this plan.  (Most people who have studied American history know that they have been implanting socialism into our society for over 100 years.  Are Americans better off in the bargain?  I say NO, we are not, and we have become more and more dependent on the government.)  They expect the citizens to gladly and voluntarily accept their solution of socialism as it will look to most, better than what we have now.  But socialism will only create another third-world country which will make American citizens equally poor, equally subservient to, and equally dependent upon the government.  And it will make the ones in power, richer and more powerful by far.  You see?--socialism really isn't socialism for everyone.  It is stealing from some to give a little to the masses, while the giving a lot to the ones in power, the super rich, who get wealthier and more powerful.  By the time the majority has figured out they are worse off, they will have been stripped their God-given human rights and will have no real voice in government.  They will also have been stripped of their guns and ammunition to resist the growing government oppression, and its just as well because the government has the bigger weapons.  The violent resistors will be hunted down, eliminated and/or taken to detention camps.  If not resisted by the people, socialism will pave the way to total communism and in the end, absolute despotism and tyranny.  We will have come full circle, waking up homeless and destitute on the continent our forefathers conquered.  Thomas Jefferson's warning will have come to full fruition. 

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.  Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance.  The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the government to whom it properly belongs."

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."                                                                                                                                                                                  --Thomas Jefferson

"Corporations have been enthroned.  An era of corruption in high places will follow… until wealth is aggregated in a few hands… and the Republic is destroyed."                                                                                                                                                                                                    --Abraham Lincoln

"The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers.  By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest.  Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity."                                                                                                                                     --Abraham Lincoln                                                   

 "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce....And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."                                                                                                                                                                                --James Garfield, 1881

Congress needs to take back the Constitutional power to issue the nation's money.  "Fractional reserve" banking needs to be eliminated, limiting banks to lending only pre-existing funds. If the power to create money were returned to the government, the federal debt could be paid off, taxes could be slashed, and needed government programs could be expanded.  Contrary to popular belief, paying off the federal debt with new U.S. Notes would not be dangerously inflationary, because government securities are already included in the widest measure of the money supply.  The dollars would just replace the bonds, leaving the total unchanged.  If the U.S. federal debt had been paid off in fiscal year 2006, the savings to the government from no longer having to pay interest would have been $406 billion, enough to eliminate the $390 billion budget deficit that year with money to spare.  The budget could have been met with taxes, without creating money out of nothing either on a government print press or as accounting entry bank loans.  However, some money created on a government printing press could actually be good for the economy.  It would be good if it were used for the productive purpose of creating new goods and services, rather than for the non-productive purpose of paying interest on loans.  When supply (goods and services) goes up along with demand (money), they remain in balance and prices remain stable.  New money could be added without creating price inflation up to the point of full employment.  In this way Congress could fund much-needed programs, such as the development of alternative energy sources and the expansion of health coverage, while actually reducing taxes.                                                                                                          --Ellen Brown,  resource: 'DOLLAR DECEPTION: HOW BANKS SECRETLY CREATE MONEY'.

August 4, 2010

Rocky Montana