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U.S. Government Ponzi Scheme! (Updated April 1, 2010)

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I came to this realization and need to ask you to help get this message out ... tyvm... please keep anonymous(no e-mail addr), and no need to sign it.

The Government wouldn't\"Ponzi-Scheme" against us, would they???

Remember the stimulus money they gave everyone ... the $250.00 each,  back in 2009? And we thought then, we may have to pay it back??? ... There were rumors then, that we may have to pay this money back,  but not ALL heard these rumors and the Media never came out and  announced this to everyone ... they let us think it was a gift. It just wasn't discussed openly, was it?

What if that stimulus money was allotted, from "thin air?" ... hhhmmmm worthless money? .... and they gave it to all of us to spend. They keep talking about all those derivative bundles that aren't worth anything.

Many people, not realizing they would have to pay this back, went ahead  and spent this money. It was never very widely publicized that anyone/everyone,  would have to pay this back ... what was the sense of giving us this money?

If we knew we would have to pay it back, we wouldn't have wanted it!!! ... but we thought it was ours to spend. Doing so was to generate the economy.

OK, so now its tax time and we do our taxes and we find out we owe-back,  this money to the IRS, who deducts this amount from our tax returns. We didn\'t see this coming, ... and we're counting on this money to be refunded. The IRS/Government now gets real money back, from our income tax returns, Sweat money, honest, hard cash money.  Genuine Hard Cash Money That Americans worked hard for.

Now handed back to the IRS, as they take this from our refund checks. ... without our prior accepted knowledge ... real money back for the worthless  allocations ... Is this NOT a Ponzi - scheme???

They get real Genuine money back, to Bolster their profits!?!? Billions of Real Hard Earned Dollars????? For the worthless trash.

The only ones who benefit from this, are the IRS and Big Business,  not the Citizens of the USA ... who in effect, have exchanged bad money  for good money, without the knowledge of the population ...

Wait, someone surely must have known about this, right? Who thought up this plan???  Bernie M.???

Who would have been responsible for this level of scheming?

Did you get your Federal Income Tax return back yet????

It's a few hundred light, isn't it?

----- Original Message -----

From: J
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:22 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From:  Dr. J.
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:20 PM
Subject: The IRS
To Whomever Wants to Know,

I just read the article sent by someone who accused the UNITED STATES 

Corporation of a Ponzi scheme using the IRS to collect $250.00 that 

was "given" to Americans as a "stimulus" to do something for the 


The man who complained should know the IRS is not an agency of the 

UNITED STATES Corporation. It is an agency of the FEDERAL RESERVE 


The UNITED STATES Corporation doesn't receive "money" collected by 

the IRS, the FEDERAL RESERVE Corporation does. The FEDERAL RESERVE 

Corporation loans "money" to the UNITED STATES Corporation at 

interest. And the labor and property of American people have been 

pledged as collateral for the debt.

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are debt instruments, they are not money.

The "Whomevers" reading this should turn off their TV, stop drinking 

and drugging on whatever, and get smart, READ the truth about money.

Dr. J