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Robert Halbrook

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In 2006 the international community pushed the US Congress to rewrite the bankruptcy laws to more conform with the rest of the world community. One such revision was to enable 3 creditors to force a debtor into involuntary bankruptcy liquidation for the recovery of assets when the creditors could prove to the court sufficient assets to secure remedy. 
 creditor 1  China
Now we have the refusal of the FRB owners and the US Treasury  to redeem the 1937 gold bonds and repatriat the gold leased for 70 years by the last Emperor of China  back to the rightful heirs.
creditor 2  the Queen of England
blantant theft of trillions in gold bullion from the Queens personal vaults.
creditor 3   the American people
theft of the public gold and silver that was stolen in 1933, 1964 and 1971 without a constitutional amendment authorization
creditors 4 thru?  many investors including  overseas governments, private investors   corporations  and financial institutions
nature of loss they  were sold gold bullion 400oz bars as 99.997% pure gold certified by the FRB  when in fact were counterfeit gold plated tungsten/lead alloy
these were defrauded out of trillions of dollars of value by deception and fraud. amounting in the hundreds of trillions of dollars.
and ruled an act of war by the world court.
creditor 5  the private trillions of the Wanta funds  held in overseas banks around the world that were to be repatriated to the American people thru the  Treasury  of the united States of America not to be confused with the Secretary of the US Treasury department of the USA inc.or the IMF
and this is just the tip of the iceberg folks.
 the debtors are the owners and board of directors of the Federal Reserve Banking system.
  It is my belief the negotiations with the BDS the Illuminati the Queen and the other powers that be, is an attempt to liquidate the assets of the owners of the FRB system  by putting them into involuntary bankruptcy, for they and they alone are responsible for the mess the world is in.. 
  Hopefully these undertakings will be successful and the peoples of the world can enjoy a season of prosperity the likes of which  has not happened since before Adam and Eve were kicked out of paradise ..


Robert Halbrook