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Panic at the Fed! What to do (with video)

Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D

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On Thursday, just a few hours after we presented Nine Shocking New Predictions for 2010-2012, the U.S. Federal Reserve raised the discount rate on loans made directly to banks.

The 25-basis-point increase was the FIRST hike in the discount rate since early 2006.

You have to ask yourself, “Why would the Fed do such a thing? After all, unemployment is still near 10%. Housing prices and home equity are still not recovering. The economy is barely moving. At a time like this, higher interest rates could be the kiss of death at a time like this!”

The truth is disturbing to say the least.

Here’s what the mainstream media

is NOT reporting ...

Just a few days ago, the U.S. Treasury tried to auction off $25 billion in ten-year notes and $16 billion in 30-year bonds. But the group of bidders that includes foreign governments and investors bought 35% LESS of these long-term Treasuries than they normally do. Prices plunged. Yields surged.

In essence, U.S. and foreign investors fired a shot across Washington’s bow — saying, in effect ...

If you’re going to continue spending, printing and borrowing like there’s no tomorrow — and paying us back with cheaper dollars — you’re going to have to pay us more to buy your bonds.

And if YOU won’t raise interest rates, we’ll raise them for you — by buying fewer bonds ... crushing bond prices and driving interest rates higher!

This is the hidden reason Bernanke’s announced a rate hike yesterday — secretly, the Fed is in a panic to ward off a bond market collapse! They know that, sooner or later, they MUST send the message that they’re serious about cutting back on their mad money printing.

The danger of course, is that foreign investors will get an entirely different message: That Washington’s efforts to fight the most severe recession since the Great Depression are waning.

If that happens, you could see turmoil — not just in the bond market, but in every asset class imaginable.  

This is PRECISELY why my team and I presented our Nine Shocking New Predictions for 2010-2012 — and why we’ve decided to leave the video of this watershed strategy update online for a few more days.

In it, we deliver very specific — and shocking — new forecasts for stocks, bonds, currencies, precious metals, energy and other resources:

  • We expose the unvarnished facts about three disturbing new crises that already beginning to hit the investment markets like a ton of bricks ...

  • We unveil nine shocking new short-term and long-term forecasts for stocks, bonds, currencies, gold, oil and more — each one of which will likely be worth substantial profits to you in the months ahead, and ...

  • We demonstrate how you can know — with confidence — which asset classes are most likely to offer you the greatest profit potential in 2010, 2011, 2012 and beyond.

  • We provide step-by-step instructions on how you can create the optimal portfolio for the troubled times ahead — including the specific percentages of your money to put into stocks, gold, commodities, bonds and currencies right now.

In short, we give you both the indispensable investment intelligence and the essential, practical recommendations you need to protect yourself and prosper — both now AND over the next 36 months!

The video of this historic event is online now.

It is absolutely free to watch.

It could make you — or save you — a king’s ransom in 2010 and beyond.

But we MUST take it offline soon!

It’s a shame that you were unable to join us when we presented this crucial information today. But the response from attendees is so enthusiastic, we’ve decided to leave the video of this watershed briefing online.

It’s only fair to warn you, though, that the information and recommendations in this video are so time-sensitive, we can NOT leave it online for more than just a few days — so be sure to view it as soon as you possibly can.

My advice: If you only watch ONE video about investing in 2010, make it this one.

Just turn up your computer speakers and click this link to view it while you still can!

Good luck and God bless,

Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.

From: Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 7:06 AM
Subject: Panic at the Fed! What to do ...