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Open Letter to Fulford and the BDS


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Ben Fulford and his Black Dragon Society clearly have good intentions, however, they appear to me to be getting off on the wrong foot. For example, they want to convert all overseas US Dollars to New Hong Kong Dollars as the international reserve currency, allow the Amero to be issued for North America and make China/Japan the financial center of the World with Laos being the New UN Headquarters. This is a bit myopic in my view. My recommendations would be:

1) There is a need for an International Reserve Currency but not one controlled by China, US, European or other political/financial powers as such but by a neutral consortium that would issue a New International Currency ("I") which would form the basis for all other national currency valuations and international trade dealing. This would be gold backed and strictly controlled "on the books" (Basel II & III).

The suggestion of a New Hong Kong Dollar is a biased and one sided solution that will not work.

2) I agree that the world needs a new Financial Center and that the real wealth of the world is now centered in Asia. The US/European bluff has been called and their worthless paper is no longer wanted or needed. But to shift financial and economic power to the East merely replicates the same problem that the West has done and moves all the crooks and banksters over to a new location. It doesn't solve the real problem of equitable distribution globally. My recommendation would be to establish regional financial hubs, using some of the existing financial centers but under stricter rules and regulations. The IMF and World Bank are now too corrupt for this as is Switzerland, City of London, Washington DC and New York unless better controls are in place to prevent the fraud that is occuring. There needs to be a clean up first.....period.....then a clear set of rules and regulations for global finance. Let each country handle its own economy and currency matters but this will be pegged and periodically adjusted against the new International Currency.

I also agree that debt forgiveness should be implemented in the readjustment of international debts. Many countries need a clean slate to wipe away the intentional debt slavery that has been imposed upon them.

As for the AMERO, it is about as stupid as the EURO (that is falling apart). Three corrupt political and economic countries that speak different languages and have long standing biases against each other do not make for good bedfellows. And this is just another smoke and mirror effort to confuse the public, deliberately cause unrest and impoverish North America so that the corrupt heroes in DC can stay in power. I still prefer the new "Rainbow Currency" for the US and that this should be pegged against the new ("I") International Reserve Currency. Let Canada and Mexico do the same.

3) Laos is a lovely country but does not have the infrastructure nor capability or international community support to be an international United Nations hub. In the past I actually proposed that Malaysia take on this role as it is a crossroads country in Asia. All Western, Asian and even African countries are seen there and it is a safe, multi-religious, multi-lingual, and multi-cultural country with a stable government and all the modern infrastructures and the ability to cater to international communities. Simply, from a strategic point of view, Malaysia would be my choice for a new Global United Nations hopefully patterned after a 2 House legislature (a lower house based on population and a Senate based on country representatives with NO VETO powers anymore). This would include a Supreme World Court and a UN Security Force (no more national standing armies/navies/air forces).

The Kwai Low's (Red Haired Devils) of the West, of course, will not agree to such a shift in power and the loss of their "control" over the World, but they are clearly being exposed for what they are and what they are doing and have done, so it is time for a change to something better. But pulling teeth is never much fun, eh? But it has to be done....sooner than later.

Ben and your BDS friends, I just hope that you will be a bit more practical and logical in your approach. There will be a new world order but lets be more realistic and balanced in the approach. It must be a WIN-WIN situation for all mankind.



From: farouk abdullah
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 8:58 PM
Subject: Open Letter to Fulford and the BDS