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I Expose Washington's Stealth Agenda ( with video)

Martin Weiss Sound Dollar Committee

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Weiss Sound Dollar Committee" <>
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 6:20 PM
Subject: I expose Washington's stealth agenda
Sound Dollar Committee Update

From the Desk of:

Martin Weiss

      What I am about to share with you is something that

      D.C. politicians do not want you to believe. But it's true.

      See below.                    --Martin

I have just finished one of the most compelling video interviews that my team has ever produced.  In this special video report, Larry Edelson (editor of Real Wealth Report) and I chart the mach-speed freefall of our nation's economy and how the international communities are anticipating the downfall of the dollar.

      It's called the "War on the Dollar" and I have reserved a

      Special Edition exclusively for my friends of the Sound

      Dollar Committee. Go here to access:

Larry says we are living in the "build-up to the day of reckoning for the dollar" and then declares, "President Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Benanke are secretly waging their war on the dollar as we speak!"

This is a no-holds-barred look at the standing of the United States economy brought about by the reckless spending of our government officials.  We'll show you the global power shift

from west to east that's already in motion, the current and future burden on taxpayers, and the far-reaching impact this will have on our economy and our nation's future.

Plus, we'll show you personal solutions... safeguards you can implement to protect your financial future. The information contained in this video is so powerful that I had to make a special edition available to our Sound Dollar Committee members.

      Go here to watch your exclusive edition of this video.

      When you do, have a pad and pen ready.  I feel sure you'll

      want to take notes.  That's how much I believe in the

      information on the video!

+ + How we can stop the War on the Dollar

Washington's war on the dollar is, in my opinion, the greatestfinancial threat on our country and your personal finances that

 we have ever seen.  Understand that this isn't just a government problem.  It's our problem.  Left unchecked, it will be the problem of our children, grandchildren and many more generations to come - if our country survives that long.

That's why our Sound Dollar Committee has in place our nationwide "Defend The Dollar" petition.

      Citizen-investors like you and me are the last great hope for

      our nation. You and I must take a stand against our own

      government's war on the dollar, it's reckless spending

      bankrupting our nation, and the downward spiral of the


      Please go here to sign our "Defend the Dollar" petition:

Despite the clear and compelling evidence Larry and I lay out in this video, our leaders in Washington continue to spend at unprecedented rates, with promises of more "stimulus" spending!

For example, this past fiscal year's record deficit was 350% higher than the prior year and the total burden of our government's debt and unfunded obligations is a staggering $1 million... per household!

This simply cannot continue. And it is left to you and me -- and hopefully millions of citizen investors across the nation -- to stand up and say "NO!" to Washington's war on the dollar.

Please… watch the video and then sign the petition:

Good luck and God bless,


P.S. Please take time to watch the video. It was a tremendous interview on the dire state of our economy, the looming international threats due to our debt, and what citizen investors can do to prevent cataclysmic personal loss. This is a must-see for everyone concerned about the future of our nation - and their own financial future.  Go here to see the video, sign our petition, and then forward thelink on to your friends.

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 Weiss Research's mission is to help our customers protect and grow theirmoney in good times and bad, while growing our company soundly an profitably - which is something that Martin D. Weiss and his  tea of experts have been doing for over 35 years.  For more  informatio about our products and services, please call  800-291-8545 The Sound Dollar Committee is a non-profit  project of Dr. Martin D Weiss.