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From: DG
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 12:05 PM

October 11, 2009




Dear Patrick and Ben:


I have been following your correspondence as noted above and wish to add my input? 


For the last 3 days or so I have been under the weather and there is too much time to think.  Last night, however, it dawned on me that maybe Ben is right about most currencies in the world are now gold backed at the rate of 1/28 of a gram per dollar.  I would argue that this has been the case from the creation of the Federal Reserve and is the case today.  Please allow me to explain?


We know through various sources that have posted on fourwinds and RMN that there are numerous secret international treaties that supersede any national treaty, up to and including the US Presidents Executive Orders or amendments to the US Constitution.  In other words, the International treaties take precedents over any national law.  Now lets connect some dots?  Former US President Richard Nixon in 1971 removed the United States of America from the gold standard effectively defaulting from the secret International treaty?  Was the Bretton Woods Agreement (BWA) that secret treaty, I don’t know the answer to that question?  We now know that the BWA was abused from almost day one and since the Nixon event, it is my belief that the tab is running?  It holds true for the other nations who drifted over to the fiat currency system.  This means everyone, not only the USA. 


A while back I was told that the real US debt is measured in quintillions (5) not trillions (3) or even quadrillions (4)?  I could not fathom such a number unless you connect the dots that the Fed has been running the printing presses at full throttle since 1971, and they turned a blind eye to US President Reagan to loot certain accounts not affiliated in any way with the UST or the USG and place the funds in the hands of a certain Ambassador?  On top of all this they allowed the financial (I would expect that they actually created it) institutions to invent the entire derivatives market.  Along with the circus of other scams, there is the CDO, CMO, and ABS.  The next leg to collapse will be the commercial real estate industry. 


To add fuel to the fire, it was another belief of mine that the US has attempted to escape the debts incurred by declaring themselves a corporation.  What happens when a corporation goes bankrupt?  No personal liability, the creditors go after the corporation.  Therefore who are the people behind the corporation of the USA and who are the real creditor(s)?  My guess there are secret international treaties that deal with this issue as well. 


As long as the Fed and the USG can maintain the image of solvency, the game continues, but the reality is that the whole of them including many other nations are in the same boat called the USS Titanic.


Until Next Time,