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IRS Extends FUD Deadline to Self Incriminate While America and Americans are Written Off Worldwide

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RS has extended to Oct 15th 2009 a deadline for American citizens to self incriminate according to a proclamation made up by the IRS. The IRS uses Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) to unlawfully claim jurisdiction by intimidation. Once you have given them jurisdiction you have lost - your wealth, liberty and family. This is no joking matter. You will end up being tarred a criminal, forced to turn in your friends to the gestapo (Homeland Security = Gestapo in German), and abused by the criminal "court" system.

Worldwide - especially in Europe and Switzerland, Americans are being asked to close their accounts and leave. The Swiss private bank Wegelin & Co has bid farewell to America.We commend their sprit of openness and candour. 

"The USA ill remain the unquestioned military power and also an enormous repository of debt and other problems. Because they are painful, and there is always an inclination to shift the blame for them onto third parties, re-dimensioning processes always harbour the potential for aggression. Switzerland is currently experiencing just this. But it won’t end there. Potential aggression and economic progress are mutually exclusive. Which is why we are well advised to take a general farewell of America. This will be painful, for the USA was once the most vital market economy in the world. But for now, it’s time to say goodbye."

In other words is not just goodbye to American clients, but all outside investors have been recommended to liquidate all American assets. In other words rich oil sheiks have been told to liquidate their USA assets. Further, it has got to the point where foreign banks will not touch USA assets. The financial war is about to take an ugly turn. The Swiss analysis includes:

  • Moral & Trust Issues, including morality of resource allocation
  • Inheritance tax "laws" that impose burdens on third parties
  • Attempt to make third parties tax collectors
  • US entrapment of third parties
  • Withholding tax on US securities held by non USA persons
  • USA as a ponzi scheme
  • Leading Americans - like rats abandoning the sinking Ship of State
  • USA assets unattractive fundamentally
  • Goodbye USA

Real World Effects of the End of the Ponzi Scheme

Then, there are the ghost ships - an armada of the world merchant navy larger than the US and British Navies combined. We wrote about the Baltic Dry Index a while back. The evidence for a broken world trade systems is visible in these ships.

Why is the ponzi scheme ending? Because it has been harvested and the victims refuse to continue to play. Trying to force the victims (the hapless world population) at gunpoint is the next logical step, but it will not work. 

Emerging evidence of the Financial Demo

S&P500 Earnings Plunge

Chart of the Day S&P 500 Earnings

When the Baltic Dry Index fell so precipitously, we expected to see a corresponding drop in major US corporate earnings. The expectation has been fulfilled and has resulted in the reality charted above. The Baltic Dry Index fell 98% in two months. The above chart shows a 92% plunge. The S&P is thus overvalued by a factor of about 10. Earnings reports like this will have real world consequences this fall.

Adjusted Monetary Base AMBNS from Fed St Louis

There is the famous St. Louis Fed's Adjusted Monetary Base chart. Despite all that apparent "new" money, our long standing prediction that the Dow and Gold will meet is on track. This last opportunity to sell out the DOW and make almost 10x the amount in shares when the DOW gold ratio resets will never be seen again. Dow/Gold 9.98 on 28 Aug  2009.

Dow Gold

It stands to reason - sell all your stocks now, and own something (like gold) that does not vanish with your failing bank. The current charade will not last much into the next financial year for the USG that begins Oct 1 2009.

Why this time around it will be different - the dollar as you know it will die - and it has been planned

In our analysis, imaginary money will no longer be viable - real soon. Sovereign wealth funds, wealthy individuals, "offshore" corporations, and Central Banks holding large amounts in checking accounts are going to learn the lesson the hard way - by losing all the purchasing power they have.

Even Timothy Geithner stunned world markets recently by endorsing a new made up out of thin air currency - the SDRs . He seems to think that by cutting the Chinese in on a new ponzi scheme, everyone will go back to sleep and the Ponzi games can continue. The feds manipulate the market and analysis such as the Cheuvreux Report shows that most of the gold in public treasuries is gone.

Ask your accountant to redo your accounts since 2000 in gold. Did you make a profit or a loss? Those who run the world banking systems are laughing all the way to the bank. Most of the world gold is gone. The latest scam is to "sell the IMF gold". This will make the SDRs completely worthless.

Are you an Ostrich?

New evidence about the ostrich event called 911 continues to emerge.

A detailed study from has been recently published by them: GZero_Report.pdf which shows clearly that the highest technology available including nuclear, NASER, thermite, cutting charges etc., were used during 911. Most people we know, still, to this day, are in denial.... and its not a river in Egypt.

Are you one of the people or a citizen?

Do you know the difference? Do you comprehend the staggering implications in court?

Here is an example from

PEOPLE ---> GOVERNMENT ---> CITIZENS As a king you "are entitled to all the rights which formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative." You can do what you want to do when you want to do it. You have your own property and your own courts. There is no limit as to what you may do other than the natural limits of the universe, and the sovereignty of a fellow sovereign. You should treat the other sovereign in accordance with the Golden Rule, and at the very least must never harm him. Your sovereignty stops where the other sovereignty begins. You are one of the owners of the American government, and it is their promise that they will support your sovereignty (i.e. they have promised to support the Constitution and protect it from all enemies). You have no allegiance to anyone. The government, your only [public] servant, has an allegiance to you.

As a citizen, you are only entitled to whatever your sovereign grants to you. You have no rights. If you wish to do something that would be otherwise illegal, you must apply for a license giving you special permission. If there is no license available, and if there is no specific permission granted in the statutes, then you must apply for special permission or a waiver in order to do it. Your only allegiance is to your sovereign (the government), and that allegiance is mandated by your sovereign's law (the government, though not absolutely sovereign, is sovereign relative to you if you claim to be a citizen of the sovereign).

Here is a typical example:

As one of the People you have a right to travel, unrestricted, upon the public highways. You have right to carry guests with you in your automobile. You have a right to own a gun and that right shall not be impaired by your servant, the government. You have a right to a grand jury indictment and a trial by jury, that is a trial directly by the people, not the government.

As one of the citizens, you may not travel by automobile unless you are either a licensed motor vehicle driver, or you are a passenger with permission to be on board. Gun ownership is a privilege subject to definition and regulation. You do not have a right to a jury trial in all cases, and no right to grand jury indictment--a trial is a trial by the government, not the people.

So are you are an American refugee?

Not one in a 100 PhDs can clearly articulate how dollars in their bank account come into existence. Fewer still know that the law of the land is the natural and common law. Even fewer know how to use the natural and common law to protect oneself.

Most "conservatives" cry about illegal aliens. The whole birth certificate deal with Obama is a ruse - to give such "conservatives" more rope to hang themselves with - by ceding jurisdiction. The divide and rule of America proceeds apace.

A dangerous time in history

The chatter on internet sources of news that are independent of the mainstream propaganda indicates that the crisis is a lot worse than you could possibly imagine. The allegations include inter agency and inter financial mafia blood letting (such as the recent "suicides"), theft of the gold of Her Majesty the Queen of England, a settlement and a disclosure of all the theft and fraud that never happens, nuclear false flag attacks, bio engineered viruses on the loose. The list goes on. You can do your own research.

How do plan to protect yourself?

How are you going to do business?

How are you going to protect and nurture the generation of wealth?

How are you going to fend off the thieves?

Do you know the difference between lawful money and fraudulent money?

Do you know how to protect your communications?

These are no idle questions. We have developed solutions for you. It is likely that your lawyers does not comprehend the law that is the natural and common law . Neither will he/she know how to protect your data from the spys.

The USD or EUR or other national currency are deliverable in nothing of substance. It vanishes, as it appeared, into thin air. It is likely that your financial adviser has no clue about this form of black magic.

This system of black magic and financial fraud is described on this blog. It is explained with a simple and clear example in the feature article for The President magazine. If you think that you can go back to the safety of being an ostrich, think again.

We'd like to help you, your lawyer and your financial adviser. Discuss the content of this blog with them.

We have quietly worked with the Global Settlement Foundation to establish a lawful money system with a deliverable lawful units of account. The GSF system mobilizes all god given goods (including gold) as lawful money in order to facilitate trade and establish finality of settlement.

New! GSF Exclusive from Rayservers!

  • GSF Overview PDF
  • Private phone interview
    • Your questions answered.
    • Order a limited edition AUric and get approved at the Tier 1 dealer in Switzerland.
    • Tier 2 dealer application over the phone.
    • Exclusive private gold based investment offers to qualified customers.
  • Only 100 Tier 2 dealerships available!
  • Protection from economic collapse
  • Safeguard purchasing power "money" under your management

ORDER THE GSF OVERVIEW NOW [and get the GZero Report for free if you cannot download directly from GZero_Report.pdf].

At Rayservers we recognize value when we see it and honour our scared duty to preserve wealth generation in our global society.

We are not silly gold bugs. We know forex . We know trusts and the common law. We know how to communicate privately.

We fully comprehend the necessity of discrete action and the importance of private property in a world gone mad.

Order an exclusive 30 minute session - all topics - law, trusts, GSF, secure communication, bullion, vaulting, saving your nest egg from the ongoing FUD and open looting.

Need help with your Swiss bank account? Get us to call you now.

Already a gold dealer? Become a Tier 2 dealer for the GSF.  ORDER THE GSF OVERVIEW NOW

You are a lawyer? Get the protection for your clients that you can only dream about. A sheaf of papers is not going to protect you or your client. Get us to call you now.

One if by fraud and two if by legal plunder...  [to paraphrase Paul Revere's Ride]