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Ex-IRS Agents Tell the Truth and More - IRS Income Taxes are Illegal and a Fraud!

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From: Rod Remelin
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 11:44 AM
Subject: Ex-IRS Agents tell the truth and more - IRS Income Taxes are Illegal and a fraud!
Subject: Ex-IRS Agents tell the truth and more - IRS Income Taxes are Illegal and a fraud!
Of course, this woman is not the only one to expose this radical truth, that the entire income tax system is unconstitutional and that the bankster mafia, with the aid of the government traitors, started taking a cut of our income and conned Americans into paying an unconstitutional income tax when income was never intended to be taxed. 
Our income tax is NOT what pays for our roads and governmental services, they go to pay the interest on the federal reserve notes that should be our own money, but instead are created by private banking families and loaned to us at interest.  Further, do not let ANYONE scam you into believing that paying income tax is patriotic.  Supporting the Constitution is what is patriotic, not some mafia-owned politician who is manipulating you with lies.

IRS Whistle Blower.  Sherry Peel Jackson:


You going to be a slave or get off the plantation?  That is the question Sherry puts to her audience…  She is exposing the IRS big time. 

Further support for the position?  How about Attorney John Cryer, who beat the IRS in Court himself?
How about a head juror Marci Brooks, who exposed the truth about the IRS lies and how she and a jury aquitted another man of tax evasion since there is no law to pay income tax and such an income tax is unconstitutional?
How about Joseph Bannister, anothr ex-IRS agent that tells the truth.  God Bless the defectors!
How about the IRS directors unable to explain where the law exists requiring us to pay taxes?
and again...
Wow, could the greatest scam on the American people that has ever been pulled be that we really are not supposed to pay income tax, but our treasonous louts in Washington DC are selling us out to the mafia banksters, the ones who get to keep our income tax dollars? 
Wake up America!