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Announcement on America's Financial Future

Martin Weiss

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassroots Action" <>
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 12:14 PM
Subject: Announcement on America's financial future
From the Desk of:Martin Weiss


In a few days, I will be coming to you with a very important announcement about America's financial future that has been 50 years in the making.

What's more, your partnership with me in my petition telling Congress to "Stop the Bailout Madness" directly inspired this turn of events.

The announcement is regarding a new grassroots effort to keep spendaholic politicians from destroying the very cornerstones of our economy...

    ...The strength and stability of the U.S. dollar...

    ...A return to responsible government spending...

    ...And safeguards for citizen-investors in today's hostile

       economic climate.

I'm calling this grassroots effort the Sound Dollar Committee -- an effort that has been 50 years in the making!

I can hardly wait to explain to you how this new grassroots movement -- led by citizen-investors across the country -- has been developing for more than a half century...

.. And how YOU inspired the Sound Dollar Committee's emergence at this crucial time in history.

Despite these challenging economic times, and despite the reckless spendacrats in Washington who are quickly moving our federal government to bankruptcy, I write to you with great excitement in my heart.

That's because I believe that citizen-investors like you are ready to rise up and restore our nation to fiscal sanity and sound economic foundations. And I am confident that our newSound Dollar Committee will give citizen-investors across the nation a forum to accomplish just that.

In a few days, I will share much more with you about how the Sound Dollar Committee -- partnering with citizen-investors like you -- can help restore our nation to economic sanity.

For now, thank you for partnering with me to tell Congress to Stop The Bailout Madness... and thanks for inspiring this new and exciting grassroots opportunity and it's inclusion in the Sound Dollar Committee.

Good luck and God bless,


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Weiss Research’s mission is to help our customers protect and grow their money in good times and bad, while growing our company soundly and profitably - which is something that Martin D. Weiss and his team of experts have been doing for over 35 years.  For more information about our products and services, please call 800-291-8545. The Sound Dollar Committee is a non-profit project of Dr. Martin D. Weiss.