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1099-OID Insanity (Updated July 14, 2009)

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From: Rod Remelin
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 1:22 PM
Subject: 1099-OID insanity
Here is another "success" story regarding that ludicrous and insane 1099-OID process. The guy below was raided by IRS-CID.
The people who promote this 1099-OID insanity are clearly conmen, taking advantage of people who know little about the law. They weave fantastic stories during their 400 bux, weekend seminars, beguiling the gullible.

The audiences hear exactly what they want to hear, which is not that this process is completely wrong; the promoters of this insanity are selling indictments.

Larry Becraft

You sir have a very serious problem, which is a direct result of YOU issuing collections of information (Form 1099 OID) which sit within the agency’s jurisdiction as a civil fraud. 
The Internal Revenue Service data entry clerks do not verify the information that is input within the Computer system.  Once the information is input, barring any upfront computer alerts upon an Individual’s Master File, the system itself runs an automatic accounting audit which may produce a refund.  There are computer encodings that may sit within the Individual Master File, which may freeze a refund request. 
Be assured if a refund is produced, the Agency will audit the collection of information data trail that produced the refund.  This is why these 1099 OID “success stories” are short lived rewards, which quickly turn into a never ending nightmare. 
The promoters of this OID process touted those who received the refunds, but failed to acknowledge, nor comprehend how the agency does not challenge the issuance of collections of information.  What the agency will move as a matter of administrative responsibility is to audit the legal sufficiency of the collection of information that resulted in a refund. 
Irwin Schiff and those who followed him, who had secured refunds when they submitted, Irwin’s improper submission of collections of information failed to disclose to others the administrative actions that were moved by the Internal Revenue Service to reclaim the erroneous refunds.  
Irwin Schiff, who promoted his “refund process” of the “zero return”, is now retired, serving his golden years in Club Fed, due directly to his failure to substantiate his civil refund claims were not felonious acts. 
Pete Hendrickson, who boldly posts the tomfoolery of those who secured “refunds” on his “Lost Horizons” forum, is embroiled in an equitable litigation in the Eastern District of Michigan, which will result in himself retiring to club fed for near fifty years, for submitting his “refund claims.”  Prior to Pete Hendrickson’s equitable problems, he successfully lost his lawful litigation, wherein the Internal Revenue Service proved in the Eastern District of Michigan, that his refunds were a civil fraud. 
So now you have one choice, cut a deal, and enable the Service to find those who fed you this ludicrous information, or request an accommodation next to Irwin, and Pete. 
These 1099 OID promoters have no knowledge to how the Internal Revenue Service’s computer systems operate, nor why those who secured refunds early do not readily run afoul of the Agency’s equitable recoupment. 
Granted the internal Revenue Service will not nominally take to task all who defrauded its computer system, but DO YOU WISH TO BE THE PARTY THEY PURSUE? 
Read Title 18 USCA Part I Chapter 19 § 371.  Then learn the equitable equation, which is five years for EACH calendar year, wherein you petition for an improper civil refund. 
You have one Choice, work with the Internal Revenue Service, or learn why those who promote this OID nonsense do not give a damn of what happens to YOU! 
What you, and the promoters of this OID refund process do not comprehend is the systemic fraud of the State and Federal Political class.  The State and Federal Political Class have constitutionally constituted statutory enactments that empower the Internal Revenue Service to move under the State plan to collect legal tax liabilities.  The failure of yourself, and the OID promoters, is neither yourself, nor this Ralph, or Patrick have read the statutory law that is utilized by the Federal Administrative political class to impose in equity that which they have never substantiated in law. 
What has occurred at this point in time, is you failed to lawfully address the administrative communication that the Internal Revenue Service has generated in response to your improper usage of the Form 1099 OID, and ancillary collections of information you generated, such as what you believe to be a “tax return”. 
The Criminal Investigation Division showed up to your private home, with what appears to be an improperly issued warrant that they more than likely secured from the local federal magistrate. 
You have one option, and that is to communicate with these administrative investigators which is only the way you will mitigate this pending nightmare. 
It is very apparent you have absolutely no clue of what hellfire is brewing within the administrative offices of the Criminal Investigation Division. 
The Criminal Investigation Division is populated by agency zealots, whose goal is to achieve the highest level of involuntary voluntary compliance.  Read Title 26 CFR part 601.107 then pick up the telephone, give these administrative investigators a shout, and mitigate this problem before it becomes the nightmare from hell.
It is your choice, learn how to remedy this problem, or learn that a tour of club fed, is not sunbathing in Club Med. 
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, from the frame of their nature, to knowledge, as their great Creator, who does nothing in vain, has given them understandings, and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge; I mean, of the characters and conduct of their rulers."   ~John Adams (Dissertation on Canon and Feudal Law, 1765)
Reference: Our Sacred Honor, Bennett, 253.

From: [] On Behalf Of

Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 6:05 PM

To: undisclosed-recipients:

Subject: [1099-OID] IRS CID Raid

12 IRS CID Agents raided my house today and took a bunch of books and records.  They had copies of tax returns I have prepared and signed and have been submitted with IRS receipt stamps.  I was a little unprepared and they also have taken my mobile phone and all my email information.  Imaged my computer and left it with me so there are lots of details out and about. 

Sorry to put anyone in a position of issue with this however they were very specific about 1099-OID information.  Claim is that the Federal Government is being defrauded by the OID's being prepared not by the bank.  New lesson for me.  Wanted to let everyone out there know the true issues as they have been attacking.
Looks like they are expanding the loop and looking to charge me with a felony.  They want me to cooperate and go in and plead guilty to a felony charge and take responsibility for my conspiracy to defraud the Treasury.  They say they will be doing interviews with people and informing me of additional subpoena's.
Thanks for all your info.
----- Original Message -----
From: HL
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 5:08 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 1099 OID Insanity Article

 Dear Patrick:

  I read with dismay the attempt of the writer to link Pete Hendrickson with the 1099 OID process. I do not know much about the 1099 OID furor, but I am very well aware of Pete Hendrickson, whose book is now in its 10th printing.  Pete has been attacked by the IRS for the 5th time. All of the attacks have been civil, not criminal and he has won all of them with the exception of the latest attack. He has not been raided, nor put in jail.  Why? Because Pete Hendrickson follows the rule of law. Pete Hendrickson is a true Patriot and honorable man. I have many years of experience in tax preparation. I agree with Pete and what he states in his book. Pete is not promoting a scheme or a scam. His book merely is an analysis of the IRS code and what the code actually says.  To compare the 1099OID scam to filing a proper, correct tax return in accordance with the rule of law is insane! The Chief Counsel of the IRS, in its memorandums to the IRS agrees with Pete Hendrickson. Their intent is to get rid of a man who has really cracked the Code. Americans need to know the truth about our corrupt government. I hope that you set the record straight.

 Best Regards to you and Anne.

  Sincerely, HL