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The Largest Tax Increase in World History...

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----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 3:59 AM
Subject: "The largest tax increase in world history..."
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 3:55 PM

Cc: Warm:; WarmingPolicy:

Subject: "The largest tax increase in world history..."

Importance: High

I've been warning of Cap and Trade (= Ration and Tax) for some time, but the Pelosi "back room special" version that just passed the House is much worse than one could anticipate. I said this would be the biggest, broadest tax system since the Roman Empire. I was wrong. This is actually, according to Myron Ebell in NY Post, the largest tax increase in world history.

Obama ran as a liberal moderate with a charismatic message of Hope and Change. He claimed not to be a radical left ideologue, much less a socialist. What's he's done since taking office is to rush though massive spending, nationalize key industries, and move power from the people to Washington.

But it's still our country, for now. Now that he is our President I suggest we should all pay a lot more attention to what he does and a lot less to what he says. If you hope to stop this steam roller, time is short. Contact your Senators and the media now.

God Bless America. If Obama's Cap and Trade passes into law, what will our nation look like? Think about it, and if you don't know, do some research. Here are some articles:


"The Waxman-Markey bill (as it's commonly called, after its two chief sponsors) would be the largest tax increase in world history, as well as transfer vast wealth from consumers to big-business special interests.

And it would put Washington in charge of people's lives in a way not seen since the Second World War -- which was the last time Americans needed ration coupons to buy gasoline, food and other commodities."

CarbonGate -- So much for Obama's Pledge for transparency:

"Economy-killing climate policies and a trade war ­ together at last!" =


And, oh yes, by the way: There has been NO Global Warming for the past ten years. For the past seven, it's been getting colder, even using the IPCC (Gore's) data.
