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Monopoly Money and the Art of Fraud, Theft and War

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On this Memorial Day in the year 2009 of our Lord, we wish to give thanks to those that died as honest soldiers to save the world from tyranny. Yet once more we are at a juncture in history where those parasites who live by legal plunder have run out of hosts to suck dry and wish to set loose the dogs of war upon an unsuspecting humanity to hide their folly.

When honest money ceases to be a means of trade amongst men, credentials are requested . How can identity, even when verified by DNA analysis be of use when the highest "credentials" on these Global Isles are held by fraudsters and thieves? How can identity or credentials replace honour and virtue? How can credentials replace honest money?

When fraudulent finance is accepted as lawful when it indeed is not;

When the bulk of purchasing power of the people is entrusted to the fraudsters;

When legal plunder is accepted as lawful when it indeed is not;

When those that are held as the Highest Authority live by legal plunder which is involuntary confiscation of private property politely called taxation and commonly known as theft;

When hidden stashes of vast "ancient" riches seem to appear out of thin air "for the good of humanity";

We, who are philosophers and thinkers who comprehend the problems, and out of a depth of gratitude to the fallen honest soldier offer the following explanations on how, we believe, the world has been brought to this juncture of pending ruin;

May the light of comprehension illuminate the path of all; may the thieves turn virtuous and return to good state-keeping and may fraudsters see the light and turn their clever minds to the good work of wealth production and protection and may the honest soldier not have to die again in vain;

May those who are soldiers comprehend that alone which is worth fighting for - the reason principles of liberty, justice and wealth creation which result in peace - to develop the discrimination to sort the goodies from the baddies and discriminate between the fruits of evil and those of virtue.

The Two Greatest Crimes against Humanity

In ancient days every reign of terror by the State of the day started with theft - forceful confiscation of private property by taxation - so that the thieves, excuse the term, Kings could take from his neighbouring competitor by force of war - that King's right to loot his people.

Then one day when money changers who over issued their Safe Keeping Receipts made a pact with the King to Charter a Fraud and make it legal to force his citizens to accept safe keeping receipts that unlawfully appear and disappear from thin air... and the greatest crime against humanity was enacted - unlawful money.

Today, the art of fraudulent deception via unlawful money has reached new heights as we have explained earlier. The culmination of this fraud has resulted in the need of the thieves and fraudsters to usurp the right of the individual to exist, create and travel amongst these Global Isles -  in order that they can perform the final usurpation of all private property and enslavement of all decent individuals...  the second greatest crime against humanity - slave tags - verily the mark of the beast itself - State issued ID - the Passport.

The Fruits of Unlawful Money

When the free market receives unlawful money it quickly exchanges it for something of value that would better preserve value - creating asset "bubbles" and perverts the market in such assets and makes a fool out of everyone. The clever amongst the people quickly move their assets out of the reach of the master thief, the State, but are forced to keep their property with the fraudsters who, today, enjoy their privilege of fraud in every State.

With the collapse of the first great asset bubble in 1929, the fraudsters and the thieves who had obligations they could not possibly meet - were forced into war (WWII) amidst, we believe, a secret bankruptcy of the last bastion of lawful money the United States of America.

WWII itself, we believe, became a vehicle for the looting of the American Treasury by thieves and fraudsters alike.

Funny Numbers

When we hear stories about vast hordes of ancient gold "from King Solomon himself", we start to smile. It takes energy to extract gold - energy that could be spent producing other goods. Gold can be profitably extracted today when its concentration is 3 grams of gold per metric tonne of ore. Typical mines yield 5 to 10 grams per tonne. On average, it takes about a barrel of oil in energy to extract about 3 grams of gold. As you can see in this chart, the price of oil in grams of gold has not swung by an order of magnitude, but the price of oil in dollars has.

Base 100 Oil Price Analysis in Gold and USD

As a rule of thumb, about 50% of the gold ever mined has been mined in the last 50 years. This is because of the stupendous increase in the amount of energy available to man.

Experts we have spoken with, estimate the total above ground stocks of gold ever mined at 155,000 metric tonnes. We believe that the mass of gold in use as money is between 100,000 and 120,000 metric tonnes.

Modern Alchemy

Modern alchemy is the legal wizardry (unlawful acts) that turn property into non-property and non-property into property.

Alchemy I - Transforming Property into Non-Property

That which could function as an alternate money is real estate, typically what one thinks of when the term "private property" is bandied about. By quietly outlawing property held in allodium and substituting "title" which merely amounts to a leasehold where the rent is the property tax, property has been turned into non-property. Does the "owner" get to set the tax rate and pay if he wishes to? Of course not. Property has been turned into non-property, to feed the protection racket that is the State.

Alchemy II - Transforming Non-Property into Property

When fresh new unlawful money is created, it chases stocks first - making new ideas for future goods a valuable thing. The magician, the State, enacts Intellectual Property "Laws" - fooling even the cleverest amongst the common people into believing that they own "property" in a patent or copyright enforced by the protection racket that is the State. Thus ideas, which are non-property have been turned into property.

The above alchemy hides the fraudulent inducement that is a further hidden motive behind these unlawful acts. The man with the clever idea bares all to the thieves and the fraudsters - who know better. It allows the thief to steal and suppress all the good ideas and it allows the fraudsters who are streets ahead of the thieves to keep their inventions and discoveries made from all the stolen purchasing power that they have access to - a trade-secret - the only real and useful form of intellectual property.

Alchemy III - Possible Gold via Alchemy

Nuclear energy was discovered more than half a century ago. There has been a successful transmutation of baser metals into gold, but the real secrets of the last half century, we suspect, are the discoveries that relate to "essentially unlimited clean energy", and the exotic weapons they power.

Another consequence of unlimited energy is that it makes it easier to extract gold from extremely low dilutions, such as from sea water. Our research into publicly available material suggest that the higher concentrations of gold in sea water are near the north pole, in and around the Bering Sea for instance.

It is clear from the weather wars that seem to rage that a handful of men today have access to unlimited energy - enough perhaps that their systems are melting the northern ice cap.

If, dear reader, you have real evidence of this, do send us an encrypted email. "Global Warming" may not be such a mystery after all.

Alchemy IV - Turning Stolen Gold into Lawful Gold

We suspect, that many many tonnes of gold was stolen from the Asian people in WWII. We suspect that this gold has been cornered into pots that need to be washed clean in the biggest money laundering operation of all time. No doubt, it would be best, to claim that these vast hordes came from ancient times, guarded by a secret conclave of Royals who now unite to "save the world from the thieves".

Alchemy Lessons

You cannot create a free society by lending. You cannot create a free society with book entry account systems. You cannot create a free society with strong borders!

You cannot lawfully take stolen property and claim it is yours by right - even by the Right of Kings.

Gold is not wealth - it is money. Those that have amassed ungodly amounts of it have likely obtained it by ungodly means!

Monetary Effects of the Drug War

Kinds of USD

1. A Federal Reserve Note is a claim against the assets of the Federal Reserve - their gold and treasury bills. How does an FRN come into existence? When the Fed pledges collateral to the government printing agent.

2. A USD in an American Bank is the liability of that bank to pay an FRN. How do these USD liabilities come into existence? When the bank monetizes a promissory note funded by a "borrower".

3. A USD in an Offshore Bank is the liability of that bank to pay an FRN.  How do these USD liabilities come into existence? When a USA borrower spends the USD he or she created on foreign goods and the foreign producer receives a payment via bank wire. Additionally, the Offshore bank knows that the USA bank it has an account in has no reserves - so it has to "lend" into its environment to create assets more robust than an entry in its NY bank screen. This is how Dubai and Panama and other offshore regions are such a rush of skyscrapers in which the locals can find nothing to do.

Now, as Christopher Story has proven with his challenge, the real drug racket is run by those who could scarcely be suspected of it. [Pardon our sarcasm].

When a drug [that numbs the mind of its consumer] is purchased in the USA for FRN cash, that FRN cash leaves the country. This reduces the instant demand liability of the Federal Reserve. Harsh money laundering laws prevent the cash from coming back in.

You, dear reader are invited to map the rest of the consequences and send us an encrypted email. Figure out, for instance, what must have to happen when two banks settle a bank wire. The best entries will be published anonymously on this blog.

The Impending Non-Settlement

There are talks on various sites about an impending settlement of "Farm Claims", "Freedom Programs", etc. We are not specialists in such topics. Nor is the Global Settlement Foundation "loaded" with assets for disbursement.

Our work for the Global Settlement Foundation is to help create a system with finality of settlement - as in the final settlement of a trade between two parties. The current global impasse has come about because unlawful money can never be finally settled as the fraudster with more brains and power steals a march on his lesser comrades.

Ask us not for our credentials - we will, to the best of our ability, retain our honour, practice and promote that with is lawful, and create a world where our children do not have to beg for their inherent inalienable liberties from thieves and fraudsters.

Producers of The World!

Tired of waiting days for a bank wire? Tired of not being able to sell your goods for more purchasing power than you spent on the raw materials? Tired of being ripped off on multiple continents with so-called-money that rots at different rates? Tired of banks who steal your money at a whim? Tired of being ripped off by thieves and spied on at every turn?


If you produce and ship oil, steel, copper, grains or any commodity and wish for honest lawful systems that will result in peace, contact us and start to use the GSF System.

Honest Governments!

Those of you who have seen your countries in Africa, Central and South America plundered and wonder why things are so backwards - act to help us help you. We comprehend the mechanics of monetary systems. Adopt the Global - where one Global is 0.1 gram of deliverable gold - as your currency and free your people - ask your lawyers - who is the funder of your external debt. There are those that arrive on your shores with fresh unlawful money... tell them to go home. Let all lawful people pass freely and welcome them to create and produce abundance on your lands! Take the logical and reasonable steps.

Honest Soldiers!

Liberty knows no borders! Its principles are eternal. The liberties are inherent in all men. There are no "aliens". That vocabulary in legislation is reprehensible psychological warfare manipulation. The enemy is within - those that have perpetrated the unlawful acts. Do not let xenophobia blind you! Strong borders keep American Slaves in!

The Dawn of a New Age

A new age of Reason is dawning upon these Global Isles as the precession of the equinoxes unfolds to the tick-tick of the Uranus-Saturn clock. The light of Aquarius will prevail... The rising sun can not be legislated into darkness!!

Time will not end, for it has no beginning. That which will end in our time is the rule by the black magicians of fraud and theft.

Hear ye! Claim your inherent liberties! Let the Global Isles awake!

I, a decent individual declare that I am aware that my Being is grounded in Truth, and that I live, move and Become upon these Global Isles on the third planet from our lovely Sun. I hereby consciously claim my inherent right to exist, create and dispose of my creations without causing harm or loss to any other individual or person and so do hereby proceed to unfold my life, liberties and happiness.

More information on the Lawful Life on these Global Isles will be published.

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