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David Icke

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Hello all ...

I was reading through an article by a long-time friend of mine this week, Justin Walker. He was prominent in the UK Green Party when I became a national spokesman in the 1980s and he was the one 'Green' in the party administration who didn't denounce me when I went public with a very different view of the world in 1991.

He has been on his own journey since then which has taken him from Green activist to developing a campaign of 'Lawful Rebellion' - peaceful non-cooperation with the forces of collective control.  Quite simply, as I have been stressing all these years, if 'We' don't cooperate, 'They' can't control.

Let us not forget that 'We' are the many' while 'They', by comparison, are but the tiny few.

I'll post Justin's article on my headlines page in a few days when it's completed, but the point here is that he mentions two people who have focussed their research on exposing the 'Straw Man' scam. I have written about this in my books over the years and met many people around the world who have dedicated their lives to exposing this very important, in fact crucial, aspect of the global conspiracy.

The challenge has been to find researchers who can explain it all in simple terms without your head hoisting the white flag and calling for its mum. I have had long conversations with 'Straw Man' experts who have unleashed an avalanche of words and legal-speak that may be quite correct, but, hey, we have to communicate this to people who have not spent their lives gluing their nose to the History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140-1234, or some such like.

The researchers that Justin mentioned are Veronica Chapman and John Harris, or, more accurately for reasons I will come to, Veronica: Chapman and John: Harris. What's in a name? Everything, it seems, when it comes to law.

As I read their explanations of the Straw Man deception I saw that my search was over to find someone who could transform the complex legalise into simple words that anyone can quickly grasp. Hallelujah, thank-you Lord, and all that. You can read Veronica's work in detail by clicking here ... and John's by clicking here ...

Basically, the story is this:

The Illuminati bloodline families have hijacked the law, not just in Britain, but in North America and around the world, especially in the former colonies of the British Empire. The plan for global enslavement was not possible under the real human law known as Common Law and so they imposed their own by deceit.

When people talk about the 'law of the land' they are referring, mostly without realising, to Common Law. This has been evolved over thousands of years through customs and precedents. Veronica writes:

'Back in the Celtic times the British Isles were populated by tribes. They had traditions and customs. Nothing was permanently written down, but they lived by rules that everyone knew. This entirely mirrors the situation world-wide. There was a time when everything was tribal, and each member knew the rules that governed their lives. If anyone broke these rules there would be some kind of Tribal Meeting, and the Chief or Holy Man would preside. A judgment was made on the basis of arguments put forward by both sides, and that judgment was executed.'

Common Law was enshrined in the original Magna Carta (Great Charter) which King John was forced to sign in 1215. If you don't breach the peace, nor cause harm or loss to another, and do not employ mischief in your agreements, then you will not violate the tenets of Common Law. The use of Common Law is the use of common sense in that each situation can be judged on its merits without 'statutory' laws that tell the judge what he or she must do in given circumstances. One modern definition is this:

'Common law is the system of deciding cases that originated in England and which was latter adopted in the US. Common law is based on precedent (legal principles developed in earlier case law) instead of statutory laws. It is the traditional law of an area or region created by judges when deciding individual disputes or cases. Common law changes over time.'

Now there you have a big reason why Common Law was of little use to the Illuminati families. It changes over time, yes, but often not very quickly and sometimes very little, and, as Veronica: Chapman can show you, people can even make their own Common Law.

If you want to create a global prison camp in any realistic time-scale you need laws that you can introduce quickly and change at will to suit your agenda. And you certainly don't want people able to make their own laws.

So the bloodlines usurped Common Law, the law of the land, as the prime arbiter of human activity with Statute Law, the law of the sea. This is also called Maritime Law or Admiralty Law, Commercial Law and Civil Law, among other terms. In short, the Illuminati families took the laws of shipping and trade by sea and brought them ashore to be called Statute Law. By its very nature, this is commercial law, the law of contracts.

These are the 'laws' introduced by governments and parliaments and they can sometimes do this in hours - perfect if you want to impose a slave state. When the Queen signs an Act of Parliament or the US president signs a bill into law they are simply signing a contract to make a contractual agreement.

During the British government of Tony Blair alone statute laws created 3,000 new criminal offences in just nine years - one new crime for every day Blair was in office. You can do this with Statute Law, the law of the sea, but never with Common Law, the law of the land.

The [Statute] Lawman

But there was a problem. It is Common Law that refers to the living, breathing, human being while Statute Law is the law of contracts. So the purveyors of Statute Law had to invent fake 'persons' - corporations - to which the fake 'laws' could apply.

This is the 'Straw Man', a legal fiction, which is created using your name in all-capital letters. So david icke and other variations, like David: Icke and David-Vaughan: of the Icke family, are, under Common Law, the living, breathing, human being with a soul and DAVID ICKE is the legal fiction corporation/trust created to fall under the jurisdiction of Statute Law.

Notice that when government, law enforcement, legal and financial agencies etc., communicate with you they invariably write your name in all capital letters. This is because they are not writing to you, the living being, but to the fake 'Straw Man' that is created when you are born. 

The trick is to keep you believing throughout your life that david icke and DAVID ICKE mean the same thing. They don't.

It is vital to understand that governments, your local council, courts, police force and so on are private companies and corporations. If you check this out with Dun and Bradstreet, which provides credit information on businesses and corporations worldwide, you can confirm this.

According to Veronica: Chapman's research, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION and THE UNITED KINGDOM CORPORATION are in what's called Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This is a state of bankruptcy which ...

'... allows businesses to reorganize themselves, giving them an opportunity to restructure debt and get out from under certain burdensome leases and contracts. Typically a business is allowed to continue to operate while it is in Chapter 11, although it does so under the supervision of the Bankruptcy Court and its appointees.'

So who controls the 'Bankruptcy Court and its appointees' that are currently 'supervising' the 'government' corporations of the United States and United Kingdom?  Try the House of Rothschild and its international banking cabal.

Governments are corporations and the presidents, prime ministers, royalty and cabinets are the CEOs, chairmen or women, and the board of directors. Those with insider knowledge (the few) will know this and certainly the Queen will know this in the UK. But most of them are clueless about the very system they are briefly administering, or appearing to.

The shareholders in the corporation are the people, like you and me. It's just that the authorities forget to tell us. When every baby is born a single share in the corporation is issued in its name in all-capital letters, but because this fact is systematically kept from us we don't ask for either the share or the money it is worth.

Instead, the share is held in trust by the government and all dividends due and the voting rights that come with it. The trustee, the government corporation, uses these 'votes' to decide the future of the corporation and whether, for instance, it will agree to a corporate merger to create the European Union or North American Union.

By keeping their true lawful status from the people they turn the shareholders into employees of the corporation, or slaves to be more accurate, and one of the key ways they do this is by using words that have one meaning to the population and another in law. 

The term 'legal' does not mean lawful. That's why I call banking legalised robbery. It is 'legal' under Statute Law, but it is still robbery, an unlawful offence. Common Law is what is lawful; Statue Law is what we call 'legal'.

We think that a 'person' is a human being, but under the 'legal' definition of Statue Law a 'person' is a corporation and, to meet the criteria of Maritime Law, the 'person' represents a ship, in effect. That's why when a 'person' goes to court - a maritime court in reality - the 'person' stands in the dock.

Ship ahoy!

Look at the maritime language in everyday use, especially in relation to governments and legal terms, like ownership and citizenship. We also have a courtship before agreeing a corporate merger called marriage in which we contract with the government corporation through a marriage certificate.   

I saw a definition of Admiralty Law which said that it 'covers many commercial activities, although land-based or occurring wholly on land, that are maritime in character'. What they do is use language that makes everything 'maritime in character'.

What happens when we arrive in this 'world'? We are issued with a birth/berth certificate. And then there is:

Leadership; rulership; lordship; statesmanship; premiership; chairmanship; directorship; governorship; dictatorship; relationship; partnership; professorship; scholarship; apprenticeship, dealership; distributorship; fellowship; friendship; guardianship; censorship; receivership, readership; sponsorship; township; trusteeship; even worship.

The United States flags in every federal building, court, school or whatever are framed with a gold/yellow fringe for the same reason. Whenever the president makes an address on television or speaks in a federal situation you will see the 'American' flag behind him with a gold/yellow fringe.

Obama: the corporation's man.

Once again this is Maritime/Admiralty Law. Under the International Law of the Flags, the type of flag displayed by a ship decrees the law that applies aboard that vessel. By going aboard you are accepting the jurisdiction of the law that applies to that flag. The same happens with foreign embassies. The flag they fly ensures that the law of the country they represent applies within the confines of the embassy.

A flag with a gold fringe indicates Admiralty Law and so when you appear in a court displaying a flag of that nature you are agreeing to be tried under Statue Law, the law of the sea that applies to a legal fiction and not to you. As an article at put it:

'When you enter a courtroom displaying a gold or yellow fringed flag, you have just entered into a foreign country, and you better have your passport with you, because you may not be coming back to the land of the free for a long time. The judge sitting under a gold or yellow fringe flag becomes the "captain" or "master" of that ship or enclave and he has absolute power to make the rules as he goes. The gold or yellow fringe flag is your warning that you are leaving your constitutionally secured rights on the floor outside the door to that courtroom.'

Look at US troops in places like Iraq and you'll see the gold fringe around the flag on their uniforms, indicating that they are the army of the corporation, not the people or the country as they think they are.

I have spoken to lawyers about all this, and even a clerk of the local court, and they genuinely have no idea what Statute Law really is. But those in the upper echelons of the global legal profession certainly do and the same goes for judges and leading government administrators. Most come-and-go politicians haven't a clue.

Fortunately, the game is being uncovered and it is possible to disconnect from statute slavery if you know what you're doing. This includes taxation and credit-debt which are also fictions of Statute Law.

The wording of all communications with the State needs to be carefully constructed, not least your name. Accept that you are DAVID ICKE or even David Icke, or use prefixes like Mr, Mrs, Miss, or Ms, and Statute Law will prevail. But use terms like David: Icke and David-Vaughan: of the Icke family and you are no longer subject to Statute Law, only Common Law.

This doesn't mean there will be a criminal-free-for-all when Statute Law is collectively overturned and Common Law returned to its rightful place in human affairs.  I repeat, if you breach the peace, cause harm or loss to another, or employ mischief in your agreements, then you are subject to Common Law, no matter what you call yourself.

I would urge everyone to read the information at the websites of Veronica: Chapman and John: Harris because it will explain these matters in detail and show you how to start becoming a 'Freeman-on-the-land' who can live lawfully outside of Statue Law and the impositions of the State.

This is David-Vaughan: of the Icke family: 'Freeman-on-the-land' saying aye, aye, Cap'n, or rather, bye, bye, Cap'n, - and good riddance.