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----- Original Message -----
From: DW
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 12:43 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
The so called Fair Tax is being promoted at various tea parties. The question is, how would the FT affect America's Mary and Joe Sixpack, our every day folks?

Mary and Joe have two children and find it necessary to earn extra money to pay their bills. Mary baby sits for neighbors in the community and cleans homes on week ends to raise extra money while Joe, who works for a pluming company as a full-time job, also provides the same plumbing service on his own time to people living in his community. Surprise! Under the FT which promises to end the misery of income taxation, (record keeping, audits, and filing returns under the penalty of perjury) seems to me Mary and Joe would continue to experience the same miseries they now suffer under \"income taxation"--- record keeping, audits, and filing sales tax returns under the penalty of perjury!

The startling truth appears to be, those who sell a taxable service or property under the FT, such as Mary and Joe mentioned above, will have to collect and send sales tax receipts to the federal government and keep any records Congress may decide are needed, and this would be in addition to Mary and Joe having to "register" with government as a "seller" of a taxable property or service in order to sell the property they have in their labor, which is what is really being taxed under the alleged FT.

Although the so called "income tax" may be suspended under the alleged FT and the IRS closed down, its employees would merely be moved to two new federal agencies created under the tax and the same miseries of income taxation would still be experienced by small business owners, by our nation\'s large corporations, and even felt by Mary and Joe Sixpack who seem to have fallen for the feel good rhetoric dished out by the Washington Establishment ringleaders who promote the alleged FT.

The truth is, H.R. 25 proposes to create an "Excise Tax Bureau" . "to administer those excise taxes not administered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms!" And, this "Excise Tax Burea" would be in addition to the \"Sales Tax Bureau\" which is another federal taxing agency proposed to be created under the alleged FT.

Why do so many support this horrid and fraudulent \"reform\" is beyond me. Could it be that they are merely misinformed about the tax and are relying upon the fairy tale version of H.R. 25 put into book form by Rep. John Linder and Neal Boortz? Here is a link to the actual text of the proposal. Please study it and give me your opinion.

Also see the following link in which our founding father\'s tax plan is explained, documented in detail and reveals what helped to make America the economic marvel of the world !

Scroll down to \"In effect, our founding fathers intended, as a first method to raise a federal revenue, was to have Congress lay imposts and duties at our water's edge, which included taxing specifically selected articles of consumption, preferable those considered to be luxury. The logic and fairness of these taxes on consumption is explained by Hamilton in Federalist No. 21:"

My opinion is that we don\'t need 134 pages of legal mumbo jumbo to reform our federal tax system. We only need 32 words to be added to our Constitution

The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money

Which would bring us back to our Constitution\'s original tax plan and taxes on consumption as our founders intended.



If we can make the majority of voters dependent upon a federal government check,

[the fair tax family consumption allowance] we can then bribe them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America\'s working population enslaved to pay the bills