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Recent Events / Bank of China Drops Bid for 20% Stake in France's Rothschild

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From: DG
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 2:40 PM
Subject: Recent Events
Dear Ben:
Bush/Clinton/Rothschild would probably kill each other if they had the chance.  Offshore tax havens discussed at the last G20 was to expose some of these connections.  As for the Rothschild clan the Chinese recently announced they will not invest in the French bank, as noted here:{E9EB998E-0395-472D-8338-BF531A41A949}&dist=msr_1.  Makes you wonder about the rest.
If there was a 50 year agreement for a foreign debt repayment, one thing that is for sure, they will never make the same mistake as with the 'Green Hilton Agreement'.
Best Regards,
P.S. Alternative group with astronomical amount of gold.....BINGO!  It certainly is not the IMF.

Bank of China drops bid for 20% stake in France's Rothschild

By Chris Oliver
Last update: 12:26 a.m. EDT April 2, 2009
HK:3988, , ) said Thursday it has abandoned plans to purchase a 20% stake in French bank La Compagnie Financiere Edmond de Rothschild, according to reports. The deal was reportedly dropped after a regulatory deadline lapsed Wednesday without an agreement. Bank of China spokesman Wang Zhaowen was cited in reports by Bloomberg News and Reuters Thursday as saying the deadline would not be extended