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Marcella Brooks Talk - The Legality of Income Tax (Updated March 23, 2009

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Legality of Income Tax Conference - June 29, 2000 Marcella Brooks Talk Marcella Brooks served as foreman of the jury in the trial of Whitey Harrell. Her account of the deliberations of this jury is both powerful and stirring due to the facts of the situation, combined with her tremendous personal credibility. Personally, I find these fourteen minutes to be one of the most powerful accounts anyone could show to those who doubt the legitimacy of issues raised by the Tax Movement. A complete copy of the June 29, 2000, Legality of Income Tax Conference video may be obtained at the We the People Foundation Web site, by email at or by telephone at (518) 656-3578. More information on this issue can be found at«



----- Original Message -----
From: "Eldon Warman" <>
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: Marcella Brooks Talk - The Legality of Income Tax
Hello Patrick,

Re: Marcella Brooks Talk - The Legality of Income Tax Posted on Fourwinds10 03/23/09

Sorry to bug you again, but this post is another one that can get people in a lot of trouble. Such cases, relative to income tax, do not set a precedent for future defenses.

The income tax cases are litigated under the master/servant laws and procedures that arise  out of the unalienable property right - in the case of income tax, the right of the slave owner to harvest the product of owned slave's labor, and the accounting by the slave of  the fruits of labor, which is the property of the slave owner, received during the course  of the year by the owned slave. Litigation of income tax violations and disobedience to rules falls under 'tort law', and are based upon the Feudal System master/servant laws.

The situation related by the juror, Marcella Brooks, is just an anonomoly allowed to obfuscate the fact that the American people are actually viewed by Government as owned slaves, or worse, to set up a sting operation to entice others to then do what the accused did in the case where  Ms Brooks was a juror - a most juries, if there is a jury, will do as they are told to do by the judge.

There is a method that has reasonable grounds to use to defend oneself, but that entails people knowing that they are made slaves, not by contract, but by a maxim of law within the property right where if one attaches an accessory to the property belonging to someone else, that accessory becomes the property of the party who owns the property to which the accessory is attached. An owned man is a slave of his/her owner. If anyone wishes to know more about this, they can freely download a document from my website called 'The Name Game Blog'.

Eldon Warman    [a totally non-commercial website]