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Misrepresentation without Taxation

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What we have had since 1968 is misrepresentation without taxation. Taxes cannot be paid with dollar bills that  the IRS said  "are not  dollars" nor  with credit  and the  Fed said  their  system  of plunder "works only with credit." With credit existing only in minds, they  must control the  minds of most to work all of us with credit. Don't most people believe all of the lies that government spends money when they don't spend one dime?   Our  Marxist misleaders  have no need  for money when  all of us will risk  our lives for  more credit. Over 70,000 Americans died in Iraq for credit but the perfidious press only admits 5000 or about 2

deaths a day for 2500 days.   "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Ho.4:6 


Note: Albert Pike was the highest Mason in American history. In 1871, he wrote Morals and Dogma where he said that the higher Masons mislead all below then, pages 104 and 819.  

From:  Rod Remelin: