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The AIG Distraction

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-From: DG
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:44 PM
Subject: The AIG Distraction
When you read the above article you realize how shallow wall st actually is.  It is beyond pathetic.  No sense of honour, no sense of morale, so sense of doing the right thing.  Even Chairman Bernanke claiming we will be out of the recession by late 2009 or early 2010.  Well Sir, who on God's green earth will be still employed to buy Chinese plastic junk and useless trinkets?  No sense of decency.
When you Google, AIG, you get 4,444 news articles, almost all of them about the bonuses.  Well that is a classic CIA pys-op if I ever saw one(Yes I have seen a few).  Distract the masses with a scandalous bonus payout, then they won't notice they just got fleeced for $44B and the really big players, such as the Chinese counter parties in the derivatives, never get mentioned.  Hahaha, the joke is on us!  The do not even give you a straight answer, one site will say $450M bonuses, another $165M, Barclay's $7B, Deutsche Bank $6.4B, HSBC $3.3B and so on.
The taxpayer gets robbed blind, to the point of our great grand-children can never repay this debt and they want you to worry about $165M-$450M?  Come one get real people?
Here is a plan, that you CIA types should consider.  Those of you that love America first.  We need to work in unison.
  1. We create a hedge fund, whose sole purpose is to short the stocks of Citigroup, B of A, General Electric, and any company that just changed the way they did their accounting.  For example, Citi last week just moved their money around and started claiming the made a profit in January and February 2009.  With a straight face.  BTW, Vikram Pandit last year made $10.8M while 50,000+ employees got pink slips.  Just a reminder.
  2. I know there are assets out there that we can use as collateral?  We need those people to step forward for America.  If these assets belong to some one else we acknowledge that and we split the profits with them.  90% to the asset holder and 10% for our expenses.  Wall St. can never compete with us.  They are greedy little pigs.  Our motive is to help our nations the USA and Canada (for those loyal Brits out there, you are welcome to join).  Profit for us is freeing our nations, not our bank accounts.  That is how to defeat these swine.
  3. At every stage we use our proceeds to expose the corrupt bankers and politicians.  No mercy for the greedy little thugs.  They showed us none?
Please keep this between us, the recipients on this email.  If you know people that are thinking of a similar project, let me know.  The assets are out there, the money is out there.  There are a lot of Leo Wanta's out there.  I am also aware of agency people may be reading this email, think about this, our loyalty is to our nations, not the Federal Reserve owners and their puppet politicians, pulling their strings as though they have no minds of their own.
Let me make something perfectly clear.  All our activities will be hidden in plain sight.  Completely legal at all times.  No shading dealings and money laundering.  They just laundered $170B through AIG and that is only the start.  We must be better than them at all times.  Our freedom is at stake, our word, and our honour.  I am willing to work with anybody who wants to defend our nations.
Think about it and get back to me?
Freedom isn't free,