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Eminent Domain Pt. 3


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-From: DG
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 2:29 PM
Subject: Eminent Domain Pt.3
Dear Rayelan:
Does it matter if they call it eminent domain or a corporate raid?  End result, the Federal Reserve is bankrupt, so they dump their holdings of US Treasuries into the banks and marketplace, so they can take on junk paper.  The Fed took on $2T+++ in junk paper (CDO's, any Asset Backed Securities).  Does anybody remember back in December 2007, the fed started the Term Auction Facility?  Well that facility was exchanging CDO's and ABS's for deposits (Federal Reserve Notes credit, more IOU's).  They claimed the collateral was to be AAA rated, but the market wasn't paying 15-20 cents on the dollar, but the Fed was giving 100% face value of almost worthless paper.  Why?  Bottom line is that the Fed is still doing the TAF to this day to the tune of at least $100B every second week and never posting results of the settlements after the 28-84 day loans?  Yes, they will announce the result of the auction, but never the settlement after the expiry date of the loan?  Why?  Answer, the banks do not want the toxic paper back.  For the time being they would rather have the 'cash'.  Has the Fed ever revealed the receivers of any of their various facilities?  They cannot.  How many more useless facilities have they attempted? 
Some people think that the Dragon Clan inherited the Fed from the Rothschilds to repay the US foreign debt.  I cannot say for sure, but right now, I bet the Chinese government accounts within the Fed are stacked to the ceiling full of CDO's that will one day unwind to reveal homes, businesses, commercial property and various real assets.  We all know about the US Treasuries, so no use commenting on that.
Now Helicopter Ben wants regulation and so forth, anybody else notice his smirk in the last few days?  Judging Citi and the other banks, out of the blue, are declaring victory.  The last time this happened, a clueless puppet landed in a jet fighter on a aircraft carrier in front of a banner claiming 'Mission Accomplished'.  The rest is history.
Until Next Time,