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From: DG
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 11:18 PM
Subject: ICE US Trust LLC
Recently the Federal Reserve refused a Bloomberg FOIA request that they release the names of the recipients of $2T taxpayer funds.  They cited it was a 'trade secret'.  Indeed.  So, they are not in the mood to reveal who got what?
Meet the newest shareholder of the Federal Reserve, ICE US Trust LLC, an uninsured trust company organized under New York law, as seen here:  "ICE Trust" will become a wholly owned subsidiary of ICE US Holding Company LP (“ICE LP”) as organized under Cayman Island law.  ICE LP is indirectly controlled by Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE), traded on the NYSE as "ICE".  ICE’s wholly owned subsidiary, ICE US Holding Company GP LLC (“ICE GP”), a Delaware limited liability company, will be the general partner of ICE LP.
Confused yet?  Good you should be, that is what they want.  In the document listed above, they screw up the very first page, note the end paragraph.  Folks these are some of the people that will tackle the trillion(s) of dollars of derivatives, better known as Credit Default Swaps (CDS).  They are going to bury the CDS market so nobody can back track the derivatives market and discover, what the derivatives were based on in the first place? 
Now please visit this website:  Ambassador Lee Wanta recently wrote about the AIG debacle as seen here:  That is $150B thrown at AIG and a Federal Reserve who refuses to reveal who, what and where?
Next week or soon thereafter, ICE Trust will see its $4.2B market cap rise significantly when Citi starts to collapse followed by B of A, GM, GE, etc.  AIG will very soon dump there mess in the Cayman.
We have a new Sheriff in town and Helicopter Ben really hates it.
Until next time,