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The Control of Money and Scam

Eric V. Encina

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----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Encina
To: Dick Eastman
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 6:42 PM

Money is adroitly made to be perpetually scarce as it is artificially controlled by the rapacious ogres of financial capitalism, the controllers of money-the bankers, financiers, the government officials, politicians and their parties, and nothing left to the poor – who are supposed to benefit from the economic wealth and People’s Money.


Many are unemployed. Jobs are not available! If ever there are jobs, they are very limited. Job requirements are too many and unfair. To many trainings without benefits. Those lucky employed are not given proper living wage and salaries while struggling in front of the rising prices of basic needs for survival. Employed people are also the victims of “loan sharks and usury”. Nothing left to living wage after interest payment. All are taken by the greedy  financiers and usurers. Undergraduates and or   High school and college graduates suffer unemployment and their families suffering hunger and starvation. People who want to start any home-based business or entrepreneurship do not have the working capital  to do so to build their lives. People are not qualified by orthodox banking standards to borrow money from the commercial banks without collateral security. Farmers and their farming families cannot cultivate their land both rented and owned under survival pressures. There is no any farming aid nor any subsidy. Farmers are also in debt to loan sharks. Farming families are in dire poverty and suffering illnesses in the villages.



When poor people ask for  help, oftentimes the appeal is smugly ignored, and even alleged or accused to be a sort of “scam”. The bankers, financiers, tycoons, the rich, politicians, multinational corporations and their cohorts get more than 99% of money supply while the poor, the poorest of the poor, get barely less than 1% in a terrible working competition and torturous struggles. It is lamenting that 60% to 70% of the Government’s annual budget goes to perpetual payment of interest to cuckoos: commercial, foreign, global mega-bankers, the rest of the money goes to politicians in the form of pork barrels for their own personal aggrandizement, graft and corruptions,  and scammed projects and nothing left for the ordinary Filipinos to build their lives. Payment of interest  policy is infallible, the top major priority other than the needs of the citizens. 40% of the money supply goes to wastage.

The rich, the tycoons, the hypocrite, the vultures, usurers, bankers, the sarcastic do not give help to the poor but rather get more and more.

The money system is extremely evil. Human life and soul is at stake because of the money system. There is no equitable distribution of wealth.  There is no any economic and monetary justice. There is no economic democracy.


Proposals to reform the money system for all people are condemned as “unorthodox and not worthy of economic fundamentals”.

It is therefore lamenting that in this world in plenty created by God – Who is the Owner of all wealth of the Universe,  and made to be plenty by human progress but alas, there is no authentic justice and charity, no love, no solidarity, no compassion, no care culture, but all in greed, avarice, selfishness, elimination,  persecution and slavery of the poor,  and destruction of human life.

Let the whole world continue to accuse me of scam. Let us see the judgment of time and of history and above all, the Judgment of God.

At the end of our lives, we will be judged by love!

Thank you for reading.


Eric V. Encina

Filipino Social Crediter/Monetary Reformer

Filipino Alternative Solutions For Sustainable Survival Movement

c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Brgy. Lawa-an Village,

PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines