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What is the Biggest Scam to be Aware Of?

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-----From: F
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:40 AM
Subject: What is the biggest scam to be aware of?
What is the biggest (or certainly one of the biggest) sam in America today?
Guess what?  Your tax money is NOT the main source of funds that pays for the federal government's operating expenses. Your money, taken in taxes, goes mostly to pay the interest owed to the private, bank for profit,               F e d e r a l  R e s e r v e, that is owned by private member banks and is ultimately owned by people with the names of Rothschild, Rockefeller, and the like.  They OWN America's printing presses and when money is printed on their printing presses, they own it.  Yes, private citizens/corporation OWN the money printed and loans it to America, at interest.  It cost these private entities .03 to print a $100.00 bill.  How long does take the average American to earn that $100.00?    Do you now know why America is a nation of slaves? 
So, what does pay for the federal government's expenses??  One source is a printing press.  They just print money to cover expenses, a policy that is doomed to a hyper-inflation crash.  However, the main "income=2 0producing source" is drug running - YES, drug running.  The C I A is the number one drug dealer in the USA and in the world.  Don't believe me?
Surely, you did not believe that this phony "drug war" was real (just like the war on terror), for if there was a war on each, what would be the logical thing to do with the border - maybe close it?   The elites have been dealing drugs for centuries, in different nations, or did you forget the "opium wars" in China or the boxer rebellion?  Do you remember?  British elites (conveniently the same Rothschilds that own the federal reserve)  were selling massive amounts of opium to the Chinese, and when the Chinese government tried to stop it, there were severe reprisals.
Well, the same families of elites are selling drugs now, just like they did then and our intel agencies are sell out conduits of their schemes, just like our law enforcement protected the massive theft on Wall Street.
So, what is the I R S in truth?  It is nothing but a mafia that has paid off the government to take unconstitutional INCOME tax from US citizens.  It is a private corporation, not a true governmental agency, that does not adhere to cons titutional principles, such as due process, or did you think that seizing your property WITHOUT first having a trial or even having a warrant is constitutional?   Our federal government politicians and judges are traitors, for they will not only help perpetrate the lie, they will allow the private I R S to use federal government resources to steal and enforce unconstitutional laws against our citizens.
The biggest lie in America?  This is about as big as it gets.
Know ye the truth and what?  It sets you free.