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A Capsule of Truth for the Day

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From: F
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 6:54 PM
Subject: A capsule of truth for the day....

You need to know the truth.  The IRS is not a governmental agency.  It is a collection agency for the IMF, or in other words, the international banking family cartel and mafia.  They own the federal reserve and they OWN all the money that is printed from it, loaning it to the US Government, with interest, to be used in our system.  They pay .03 cents for printing a $100.00 bill, and you pay for that money with $100.00 of your labor.  Hmmm..  .03 in exchange for $100.00 of labor?  Sounds like slavery to me.

The truth of the matter is that the US Constitution PROHIBITS DIRECT TAXES, and only permits "proportional taxes" or transactional taxes.  The 16th Amendment allegedly authorized income taxes (even though not properly ratified by the states, which makes it null and void all by itself).  Note the language of the 16th Amendment:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

So, the question remains, "WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF INCOME" for only INCOME can be taxed, yes?  Look at the case of Coppage v. Kansas, a Supreme Court case found at 236 U.S., 1,14 (1914).  Follow the language:

"Chief among contracts is that of personal employment by which labor and other forms of service are EXCHANGED for money or other forms of property."

Labor is considered a property for service EXCHANGE, it is not deemed income and IT IS NOT A BASIS FOR INCOME TO BE TAXED!  Conveniently, the IRS Code does not define the word income because they know that it would reveal their fraud on us and potentially, be successfully challenged in the Supreme Court because it was never intended to include that PROPERTY you received in exchange for your labor.

Of course, there is another issue of concern that relates to the 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination.  Case after case have held that the government CAN NOT force a person to testify against himself, verbally, in writing or otherwise.  That is why we do not allowing torture to force confessions for forced confessions are INHERENTLY UNRELIABLE because a person is so interested in seeing the tortue and pain stop, they will say anything (maybe GWB should have learned of that one before Abu Garib and Guantanimo).

How can a person then be forced to give their income statement on their tax return, sign it under perjury, and then face criminal charges if it is wrong?  In the alternative, how can the government punish you for not filling out and filing an income tax return, when you being punished for failing to give information that could be used against you in a criminal proceeding?  Isn't that, by definition, a violation against the right against self-incrimination - forcing a person to testify against himself which can be used against him criminally?  You see, the income tax was NEVER intended to be in existence in America, but the banking mafia, with the aid of our degenerate politician traitors, have stuck a knife in our backs and in the back of the Constitution as well. 

Lastly, the IRS is not a governmental agency, IT IS A DELEWARE CORPORATION organized for the international banking cartel who runs the Federal Reserve.  They loan the government their free-printed money (.03 cents to print a $100.00 bill - remember?) and we pay it back with our labor, not at the real time value of .03, with $100.00 of our labor.   See the IRS incorporation documents for yourself:

For that matter, what is the United States Government doing lending its' law enforcement agents, its' federal prosecutors and its' courts to the enforcement of a PRIVATE CORPORATION's  efforts to collect money (that is not even authorized by the constitution itself)?  Why are people going to jail for not paying an illegal tax, to a private corporation, that is not owned by the American people, but instead the IMF?  Why are people going to jail for not filing returns when forcing them to give such information is a clear violation of their 5th Amendment Right against self-incrimination?

People, the new world order (it is really the old world order of feudalism, merged with the occult) has been here behind the scenes and it is expanding its' dominance and control over our lives.  It has been stealing your money, enslaving you by making part of your labor pay for money that it printed for these elites virtually for free.  The NWO has recently been stealing on Wall Street, it controls our media to promulgate the lies and misdirection, it has destroyed our rule of law, caused the laxed immigration to further destroy America, outsourced millions of great American jobs, started and financed wars, and it is doing much worse.  Our freedoms are dissipating quickly and the final end game of the elites, who have always wanted the death of the American Constitution, is at hand.  

You probably believe I am over-reacting.  You also thought that several years ago when I said that the federal government was assisting the banking mafias in destroying Wall Street and your home values, retirements, the dollar and in the end, our economy, I was over-reacting.  The truth is that I was not over-reacting then and I am not over-reacting now.  Could it be that you are simply living in denial?  Could it be that you are not paying close attention, but relying upon the worthless media, compromised education system, our corrupt and/or misguided clergy and our traitorous federal (and certain state) governments for truths that will NEVER come to you? 

Better awaken folks.  Our window of opportunity for stopping this destruction of our nation is closing fast.  Don't believe for an instant that NWO this will pass you by unaffected - for it will come to your front door, one way or another.  Lost jobs in the family, losing your home, increased crime, the loss of your retirement account, theft of your assets on Wall Street, your home value spiraling and more, and that is BEFORE the crackdown.  What happens after the crackdown is going to be ugly.  Ever wonder why the UN has millions of Russian and East German and other nations troops on our soil?*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GWYE

Ever wonder why the government has already built hundreds of concentration camps in America?*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GWYE

Lesson of the day:

The New World Order is really nothing but the old world order of elite criminal families and thieves and mafias stealing, and needing enhanced security, under the pretense of terrorism that they caused to happen, to control us and insure we do not get justice against them for their stealing, robbing, murdering and pillaging - NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS!