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From: F
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2:57 AM
Subject: Brilliant 2 Hour "Gold Standard of Financial Documentaries" on PBS, "The Ascent of Money", Written and Narrated by English Finance Professor Niall Ferguson, AN ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH/PURCHASE
Tonight I watched the most outstanding documentary overview of our current global financial Crisis done to date, if not the best that will ever be done.
It is stated early on that PBS is going to turn this into a series, and I personally can’t wait to see then next segment.
This 2 hour Special is the new “Gold Standard” for Financial Documentaries, covering the evolution of modern financial markets more comprehensively than I could ever have thought possible, beginning with the evolution of lending in Venice, to banking by the Medici’s in Florence, all the way to the Enro n and the Sub-Prime scandal, and the derivative overhead threatening the world’s economy.
It is not “Perfect”, but it comes very damn close despite some very minor factual, detail and political history errors, not at all material to overall quality and incredible attention to MATERIAL details of how we have come to where we are now.
Not only is this a Must Watch for everyone in receipt of this, it should be recommended to others, and purchased for ownership and as a gift to all of your friends.
Professor Niall Ferguson has done simply the best job I could ever have imagined being done, and he does it as an English Finance Professor, a man of true global perspective, with a better US focus than anyone in this country I know of. 
I know of no one in this space with this comprehensive insight into the entire meaning of this crisis, or its evolution. 
You will find his conclusions about the partnership between China and America, Creating what he calls “Chimerica” to be genius, and literate to a fault for those who don’t know what the Mythical “Chimera” was.
I would force every American alive20to watch this twice, then be tested on it, and if they fail, force them to watch it until they could pass the test.
I could, but I doubt that I know more than three others who could.
I have hammered the global reach of this crisis, and when you hear how much Japanese Real Estate has deflated since 1990, you will be given a reality check in spades.
We the People are being sold a bill of goods that is breathtaking for the arrogance of their sellers and regulators.
Damn them without remorse.  We are headed into a political crisis of undefined proportions, and those responsible must pay with everything they have or ever will.