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“Gang-Raped” [ In political terms--'Bail-Out' ]


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The politically correct word for this is called ‘The Bail-out”. But let’s call a spade a spade!


The government, supposedly ‘your government’ remember, the one that is by the people, of the people and for the people, has ganged up on all of us and raped us until we are bleeding. Have any of your senators, congressmen, representatives, let alone Vice President, or President given you a call, a letter or an e.mail to ask what you would like for them to do in this time of economic crisis? Maybe I missed that in the mail somehow, but I sure don’t remember that.


They have made sure that the companies, banks, etc who have been raping us all along anyway, get more money. Is there anyone over-seeing ‘how’ they spend all this money, or that it will go to help the people? …..I don’t think so.


Are most of you, or any of you asking ‘where’ this money is coming from. Our country was already in debt to the trillions because of this illegal war, and much more. So much so, that you can’t get health care, or schooling for your kids, or good paying jobs, or levees fixed, or basic services. (But they can take your money to back Israel with war toys to kill more people and to further destroy Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries) They say we have to borrow from other countries, but guess who still ends up paying for that.......YOU!


Our homeless population is growing and some of our cities are making it a crime to feed the homeless….oh yes, lets vote for our government to have more empathy! I just got a petition to send around to get people to sign asking our government to have more ‘empathy’. Excuse me!!!!! When supposedly, every person is supposed to have the right of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; when equality is our ‘creed’, when our nation is ‘supposed’ to be based on ‘Christian values’ (which used to mean ‘love your brother as yourself’), why do we have to ask, or make up a bill for our government to have more empathy?


Some call me a conspiracy theorist, but jeez Louise kids, look at what is going down, wake up and smell the ‘bullshit’. Americans and the American way have been sold out from underneath us steadily and for years. NAFTA  took the jobs away. Corporations moved away so their executives could get more bucks so they have their private jets and zillion dollar homes.


Illigal and 'open door' immigration has overloaded all services, schools, hospitals, jobs and brought a huge wave of crime into the country.


Then there are people like good old Gates makes a big deal of having philanthropies, which people fawn over him for…..are any of you asking where ‘his’ money came from? How much did you pay for the latest computer, or programs and ‘guess’ who made it?


You got it, not Americans. We buy them, he pays salaries out to the other countries’ corporations, taking money away from us. No wonder we need the philanthropies huh?


I have been telling people for years, once we reach the critical point in which Americans don’t have the jobs to buy all the goodies that other countries are making, that they will feel the hurt there too, only then will it sink in how financially stupid this all has been. china is now closing factories and businesses that were dependent on 'our' purchasing power.


They say the real ‘give-away’ is really mounting into the trillions as more and more are asking for their ‘bail out’.


I want to know why 200 million regular working Americans can’t take their cars and buses and drive to Washington, DC and get an audience with the senate so that each one of us can submit our sob stories? Why is it only the rich and famous, who are allowed in to get a piece of the pie? Jeepers, if there really is all that money to give away, then why can’t they just give every American a million so they can pay off their house, car, feed their kids, pay their bills?


No, our government officials are ‘gang-raping’ us folks, it is nothing as pretty as a ‘bail-out’. They are taking from you now, from your children, your grand-children and great-grandchildren for so many years in the future, if it ever gets paid off.


They will take your children and send them off to illegal wars, brainwashing them that this is for our country to save us from terrorists, and in the process end up getting them maimed, killed, sickened, broke and psychologically and emotionally destroyed. They are charging you/me for the using and destruction of our own children and for destroying those of other countries.


Take Iraq, as much as it has cost us so far, what the hell, why didn’t we just go in to begin with and give each Iraqi one million dollars and say ‘have a happy life’. Don’t you think that would have made us more friends then bombing the hell out of their country, destroying it, contaminating it until there is not much left to save? I figured out what Mr. Bush means by ‘Mission Accomplished”… means; “after every one is dead or sick in the country, to weak to fight us anymore, then we will have won”. The only price we have to pay, Mr. Bush is the price of our souls….what a deal!


People worry about terrorists coming over here; they don’t even have to be concerned, because we already have them entrenched in our own government and they are destroying us from within, just as Khrushchev prophesied, (he just got the country wrong). The American people who want our constitution restored, our rights restored and have peace in the world are called ‘terrorists’ now under the new guidelines. Whatever you do, don’t say you are a ‘patriot’ or ‘constitutionalist’ for you will land in jail.


Call me a doom and gloomer if you wish, but I see no hope for the United States on any level for the foreseeable future. This last little gambit that has ‘gang-raped’ us all, is leaving a black hole in America that everything is falling into and from which none will be able to climb out.


Y’all better get your knee pads on so you can do a lot of praying because it’s for sure, only a miracle can save us now and I don’t see anyone walking on water except Criss Angel, and he isn’t running for office.




Over and out big daddy……..Bend over!