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Getting Out of Debt - An Interview with James Martinez

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So many people have lived beyond their means on the assumption that they will always be richer in the future. Since the recent credit crunch and sub-prime mortgage debacle, many people now find that they are perilously close to, or already in a financial meltdown.

James Martinez has been helping people through the essential changes necessary to get out of their financial problems for many years and says that it is how we think about money that needs to be changed forever. James does not advocate any financial irresponsibility and the people he helps are usually people who have got into a bad situation due to losing a job or having a health set back that has necessitated them borrowing money. When there is no other way out, James provides a legal solution to eliminating the immediate problems and clearing a path to a debt free lifestyle. So far, James has helped eliminate $700 million in credit card debt.

James warns that this is not for the feint of heart and will result in several years of paperwork and focused attention. There is no charge for the education but James does charge a fee for his personal consultation if one is necessary.

To contact James and to listen to his regular radio show "Cash Flow", go to his web site at