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“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.”

-Arthur Schopenhauer

“I didn’t say it would be easy, I just said it would be the truth.”


CtC Under Assault

A Final Escalation In The Government's Corrupt Efforts To Evade The Truth About The Tax


Six years or so ago, some IRS flunky made the mistake of his or her career in refusing to accept the return filed by my wife and me, leading to my uncovering the liberating truth about the income tax.  A year later, some higher-level IRS stooge did it again, taking me into court with allegations of "promoting an abusive tax shelter" by way of CtC, and promptly losing three quick cases and killing that issue permanently.


Two years after that, a still-higher-level thug pushed the agency and the DoJ to try to slow the spread of the truth about the tax by filing a "lawsuit" against my wife and me, in which the federal courts are asked to order us to testify to the government's specifications in order to create a pretense under which we could be held liable for taxes which even the Treasury Department's own internal records admit that we don't owe.  This has proven to be a sustained, still-ongoing embarrassment to the agency, the DoJ, and the courts (and yet another definitive affirmation of the accuracy of what is revealed in CtC).


Now, as I got word in November, another batch of these folks is daring another, and more significant, embarrassment, by charging me with allegedly having "Willfully [made] and [subscribed] any return, statement, or other document, which contains or is verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury, and which he does not believe to be true and correct as to every material matter."  (The details can be seen here.)


At bottom of course, this assault is another effort by the government to evade the plain words of the tax statutes, and to do so at the expense of fundamental principles of due process.


In a nutshell, the proposition here is that one can be punished criminally for declining to affirmatively endorse the government's self-serving pretense about the nature of the tax.  Consider: one can be punished for refraining from speaking (by "failing to file") if allegations that one has received more than the exemption amount of "income" have been made by someone on (in this case) a W-2 (and one then must also abide the certainty that whatever those allegations consist of will be taken as true and one will be taxed accordingly, suffering an adverse financial consequence of silence, as well).  On the other hand, these charges against me are a de facto effort to punish me for exercising my right to testify, because I didn't simply adopt and endorse the allegations made on the W-2.  The end result is the proposition that one can be punished unless one testifies to suit the government's preferences (the doing of which, not coincidentally, always results in a financial gain to the government).


I look forward with great interest to the government's attempts to carry its burden of proving that I'm wrong about the law, and what's more, that I don't (or didn't) believe what I said in my filings to be true and correct as to every material matter...


The realities of both fact and law that are involved here mean that competent management of this trial will result in a just outcome, and a really serious bloody nose for a couple of agencies whose efforts the evade the law are increasingly desperate, and erratic.




That kind of management requires some specialized skills, and getting them will cost a lot of money.  I hope all of you will participate.  Donations for that purpose can be made here, or by mail to Pete Hendrickson, 232 Oriole Rd., Commerce Twp., MI 48382.




P. S.  If you see posts about this subject in newsgroups, forums, etc., please do me the favor of posting my comments above in response (with links active), or, better still, post, "Pete has posted comments about this latest attack on the truth about the tax-- along with some important links-- at