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After All this Bewildering Turmoil is Over, Silver and Gold Will be Standing Tall

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Gold Price Close Today : 839.00

Change: -3 or -0.4%

Silver Price Close Today : 11.060

Change: 27 cents or 2.5%

US Dollar Index Today: 81.56

Change: 0.14 or 0.2%

The silver and gold markets are becoming more and more like something that crawled out of Salvador Dali's mind -- surreal. Futures market price ("paper price") goes one way, physicals ("real") silver and gold price goes the other, namely, up, up, up. After all this bewildering turmoil is over, silver and gold will be standing tall.

Right now the most attractive buy, and the one we can get hold of quickest, is one troy ounce .999 fine silver rounds, privately minted coins.

To order 1 ounce silver rounds please call (888) 218-9226 and mention when you call.

In gold we can get quickly Austrian Philharmonics, British sovereigns, and French 20 francs. Frankly, right now I am reaching for quick delivery over price.

All markets are becoming more and more surreal as government increases participation. It already controls the entire mortgage market, now announced this weekend it will buy shares in banks. Shoot, we're ALL gonna get rich! Just like we can all fly -- it's easy. Just get you a tub with two handles, and grab one handle in each hand, and pull yourself right up into the air.

God, have mercy on us! Government intervention will stretch out what might have been a one-year long panic into a 15 or 20 year Great Depression II, a hyperinflationary nightmare. Strange, how few people have caught on so far. They think they can just keep on doing the same old things, but wait. Excuse me, I gotta go accomplish something: I'm going to go bush-hog.

The words were hardly out of my mouth warning you about the finance ministers' meeting cooking up some sort of changes in the international "financial architecture" than Dominique Strauss-Levy (unless you are from a Spanish speaking country, double names ought to be outlawed under a death sentence for bad taste) director and head hanch-ette of the IMF made a speech calling for same and gushing about how this time around (as opposed to the Great Depression) governments are free from Old orthodoxies" that kept them from spending gad-zillions of taxpayer money to bail out banks & other buddies.

Look at Dominique's speech at

if you have recently taken a strong anti-emetic. You get used to this New World Order clowns using "code phrases" like "sea change" and "financial architecture." You have to torture yourself by reading hundreds of pages of their eye-numbing documents to fish out what they mean, in this case, one world control of the world's financial structure.

If any of y'all believe that yesterday's big rally in the Dow marked the end of the stock bear market, give me a call about shares in the Brooklyn Bridge. Stay out of stocks, sell the ones you have on any rally, and put proceeds into silver and gold.

The US DOLLAR INDEX fell today, and hasn't managed to breach 82. Dollar strength will not last long, so enjoy it while you can. Use it to sell all investments that promise to pay future dollars: annuities, certificates of deposits, savings and checking deposits, bonds, life insurance.