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From: AF
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 7:10 PM
Subject: Hi Patrick, could you please post this message. I am trying to rally support related to "The Packages."

An interesting perspective… 

…just for your own benefit. Take it or leave it, but it is an approach that not everyone has considered.

Yes, there was a massive sting on CMKX. Yes, there is a massive naked short on the stock. Yes, intel agencies were brought in to address the issues related to this stock. Yes, there is massive valuation in the claims. Yes, there is a government settlement for the naked short, which has been delayed several times and never once for a reason benefiting the shareholders.

What is the catch? 

The elites want our claims and the mafia wants our payout – plain and simple. Ask yourself, has there ever been one major natural resource find in the last 100 years that when the dust settled, the same elites did not control it – irrespective of what country it was in? Has there ever been a large amount of money put into the hands of average citizens that was not attacked by the mafia? Didn't’ you see Patrick Byrne’s statements that he had over 8000 emails from White Knights within the brokerage firms exposing the brokerage houses in communication with the major media in communication with the mafia to manipulate and control and steal out of Wall Street? What on earth makes us so arrogant or foolishly hopeful that we are the one exception in history to have beaten a seemingly timeless foe who has raped, murdered and plundered, without accountability, for centuries?

I am not going to go into praising or impugning the actions and the character of each of the individual people involved with CMKX, but know that as shareholders, we have the rights to something very big, that many very powerful, greedy and evil people want who will stop at nothing to get it. I find it interesting that Buffett and Gates showed up in Canada recently to look at our claims. I note it funny that the media, a common tool of the elites, have presented to us almost as many media “pumps” for disinformation (from “the trucks are rolling” to the latest “Forte al a Corne” Video and Shore Gold) as there are still pumpers and bashers in the rooms still telling us that the stock and the claims are worthless and that Urban is a crook. Why both? Control both sides of the information stream and you control what people will know – plain and simple.

That is another issue. Why was Urban chased off? How can this man be the deliverer of all these valuable claims to the shareholders and yet, you have Tyler informing us he is a crook, that he and his associates stole everything, at the same time, they are basically ignoring the naked short issue? Mark Faulk could not even answer Ines’ simple question as to the real status of the cert pull. Why? Because he is clearly covering up the truth. For that matter, do you really think that “The Naked Truth” is nothing more than the latest government cover-up of a massive screwing of the American people? It is nothing more than the latest version of the Warren Commission Report, another document that concealed the government’s evil dealings with the mafia and the murder of one of the only truly patriotic men to be president in this nation. However, this time, the crooks are not getting away with the lies so easy. Now you see the reason that Bush threatened to pass the bailout, or there would be martial law. 

People, Tyler is deceiving you. If not, why wont they tell us the progress on the cert pull? Why won’t they use the $33m judgment as a basis for having real book value and sue the brokers for the naked shorting and manipulation? Why has the SEC refused to stop naked short selling across the boards when they know that at least $13.5b per day is still being counterfeited right out of the country? At that rate, the equal to the entire bailout money would be stolen in a mere 50 days of trading. Tyler is working in cooperation with the SEC, the agency who still openly permits this theft after all that has been revealed? Excuse me, but “No f’ing thank you!” Private lawsuits are working for Overstock. It is long overdue time that we did the same, against the brokerages and the SEC, not the penny pushers they have named. After all, you have Donald Trump and a street bum to sue, who do you sue if you intend to collect? The lawsuits at this stage are just a show, nothing more.

If Urban and his pals were so “dirty,” why are they only suing a few people involved and they aren’t they suing Glenn, Edwards & Angells, all the partners of Edwards & Angells, as well as Maheu’s estate? Why have they dropped the term “naked shorting” to replace it with the far more benign term, “fail to deliver?” When you are trying to convince a cop that someone robbed you, do yo u say the words, “I was robbed” or that “someone borrowed money from me?” Why hasn’t Tyler pursued, for the past 2 years, the Entourage certs, which would have given the company and then the shareholders, about $14m in value? Where are the dividends we never received with regards to the other stocks we were promised? Why isn’t Tyler protecting our interests regarding that issue? Why does Tyler pretend to know nothing about CIM when in fact, many people have still not even received their CIM dividend – a duty to deliver same which includes Tyler? Why has Tyler, the very same Tyler who has promised transparency and open disclosure, told us why the feds arrived at the October 31, 2004 shareholder party and prevented Urban and the real team from telling the truth about the naked short, the float and the valuation? How about the truth regarding Jeffries letter? Why did Mark Faulk take on a job as a CEO of a company that he stated was worthless and had become a shareholder cult? Why on earth has the company changed over from a Nevada Corporation and they have gone to Texas, becoming an entirely different company, and not issued new shares to you from the Texas Corporation, as well as an assignment letter from the Nevada Corporation, giving the new Texas Corporation all the rights, interests and titles that the Nevada Corporation once possessed? Do you know that absent an assignment, and the issuance of new shares, you have zilch rights to the old CMKX and i ts’ assets? The Texas CMKX is a nothing. The question is “why?”

People, Bud Burrell said it best – the shareholders need organization. If we continue to sit and wait, letting the people that the other side brought in to be our quarterback to do anything of substance, then we are history and you will get just what Tyler revealed to one source, less than .10 on every dollar you invested. We need some life in the shareholders, not ongoing complacency. We need action, not sleep. We need independent thinking, not blind faith in following the many paid shills on the boards who have been sent here to distract you and aid in the theft. Please, we need each other if we are to win. Do not trust any of those entities conveniently put in place to help us who were sent here by the bad guys in the first place. Do not trust these boards. Do not trust the pumpers, the bashers or the people who claim to be gurus with so much information about a payout that has never once come true, especially if they don’t reveal to you specifically where the information came from. Time has proven the contents of this letter I have written to you to be accurate. If not, ask yourself why we should have been paid in June of 2006 and to this date, we have nothing.

Open you minds people. This has been a mind-screw on us all, to manipulate us all into inaction and blindly trusting people who you never even met. You need to awaken and start shaking the trees, or the fruit will never fall. You have trusted corporate officers and board members who have admitted criminal backgrounds. Does that not concern you just a little bit that the fate of hundreds of billions of dollars is allegedly in the hands of these people?

Watch and see, the paid shills will attack the contents of this message, or more likely, the messenger. They cannot help themselves – it is their job and they must continue to manipulate you. Read this post very carefully, paying special attention to the merits of what I say, not the personal attacks of people who have been paid to lie to you. If I were not correct, if my comments were not logical and true, then how could I have predicted their attacks to happen? Note, the attackers will be many of the same people who have played the guru roles or new posters. My, what a coincidence indeed.


----- Original Message -----
From: AF
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 10:32 PM
Subject: Sovereign and independent nations or a secret one world order?
You still think that there are not puppet masters pulling the strings of the allegedly "sovereign nations of the world" in furtherance of the New World Order?  You still think that the nations of the world are truly "independent" and they act on their own, making decisions on their own, decisions who to support and who to be against?

Watch the following video.  It is the Prime Ministers of 2 allegedly independent nations - Australia and Canada - and when they give their speech to their respective parliaments in support of the invasion of Iraq, the speech is EXACTLY THE SAME! 

Now, I understand a few talking points might be on common, but the EXACT SAME SPEECH?

People, if the Prime Ministers of these 2 nations are really not taking positions independently, if they are not choosing their words independently, words indicating exactly what their respective countries are supporting and opposing, then you have to ask what other nations are playing that game of taking instruction and for what side.  What other nations' leaders are really just sitting around and awaiting the instructions of what to say and do from some higher-ups  Who might those higher ups be?  You got it, the international banking cartel that controls the printing of the money of each nation, that they acquired through murder, deception and corruption.  They are the ones who decide on wars, economic ups and downs, who is the good guys, who is the bad guys and yes, who our next president will be.  The worst thing that they are deciding is the nature of the New World Order - which will be very ugly.


Those are a couple of the alleged independent nations who are taking instructions on what to say in their speeches in such important issues like going to war.  How about bad guys?  Are some of them really aligned, through the same puppet masters, with the good guys at the elite levels, just to play us and control us?  After all, it is not hard to throw elections in any nation if you have enough money and enough corrupt connections, is it?  So, what would show a common link between people such as Iran's President null null and say... President Bush?  Surely, they give public positions of disliking each other and that they are enemies, but what is there behind the scenes that might tell us of something different?

You have certainly heard of the Illuminati, haven't you?  It is a pack of self-proclaimed group of families who consider themselves elite, those who have mastered the art of stealing money from unsuspecting people and even from nations (just like you are seeing right now in the USA) through various scams mechanisms, with the aid of soulless politicians and bankers and the like.  Note the hand common signals of both Presidents?  They are flashing a secret hand sign of the illuminati, those who worship Satan (notice the horns that the raised outside fingers represent).  Here is the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton null, and notice his hand signal?

Several other politicians and people in media are into this occultist faith - one that believes in death, corruption and slavery.  Here is a link:

Folks, believe in God if you wish and I pray you do.  However, even if you don't, if these people do believe in null, and that faith is more than just sitting around and chanting and it is tied to the One World Order as so many have shown, then don't you think you might want to find out for yourselves?  What are you waiting for?  It does have an impact on your future, I promise you that statement to be true.

America is not in crisis because of an accident.  The taking down of this nation was planned long ago by the "elites" as their goals for one world government can not go forth with a strong and prosperous and independent America.  Who are the real enemies?  The same enemies that humanity has always had - the oligarchs, their political sell-out shills and their secret societies pals.  Read it and weep - from his own arrogant memoirs he let us know his cabals' plans for the future of America."Some even believe we (Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

- David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2002