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Let's Reinsure Everyone

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From: "Scott" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 5:32 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Let's Reinsure Everyone

Reinsurance n. A method of transferring some of an insurer's risk to other parties.

Reinsurer n. Insurance company that assumes all or part of an Insurance or Reinsurance policy written by a primary insurance company (Ceding Company).

Our representatives should never be voting or supporting what is \"best for the country" or " "in support of the party or president" or "in the best interests of any vested group or party."


The voting  for supporting the FDIC is support for the banking institutions which, as WaMu, are not banks at all but the consolidation of the Keating Savings & Loan groups, with their changed name from savings and loan to FSBs.  Bush Sr.  made a fortune here.  The FDIC may just as well be a privatized Fed Reserve group bailing out disguised banks for a second time.  To claim it is a resolution-type trust is another deceit.


Ask the questions:  Can the Treasury re-insure what it already is insuring?  Is there no \"conflict of interest" when the Treasury becomes a vested interest in the BAIL-OUTS now called rescues?


Who benefits?  The banks!  Only the banks and their reported (if legitimate at all) foreclosed loans.  Raising the FDIC limit only allows banks to again favor their own...Who loses?  That\'s right.  The constituents.


Wake UP.  The Senate can only vote its constituents. They are supposed to be representative.


And now to the other matter.  One way to slow down the lobbying interests would be a MATCHING FEE. Put in a formal measure, it would read like this:


"Shall all lobbyist contributions be also matched by the lobbyist or lobbying group with identical fees being placed into the general fund for the benefit of all Americans regardless of whether any legislation results from the lobbying efforts?"


That way Americans can vote yes or no and it will become law as it should.