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Rod Remelin

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The American people think that something called Federal Reserve Notes, misaligned with dollars, belong to them -- "if by having them in their wallets connotes ownership".  This is patently false, in that those same notes are issued into a commercial pipe, free for one and all to use as they may, but can be recalled by the issuer at anytime desired; with no further explanation required.  In other words, the American people do not own, nor have they any rights-of-ownership over that referred to as a Federal Reserve Note.
Why is this an important consideration now, more than ever?
Because at this moment in American history, the people of America, are being told that they must pony up 700 Billion Federal Reserve Note Dollars, so that life as they have come to know it, might go on -- sadly and ironically enough, not much different from what it is now. 
Why do you suppose it is, that almost all the American people, who are being presented with this plea,  think that the 700 Billion reffered to,  has something to do with them -- the connection being that the plea is couched with the added obscur catch phrase  "tax payer dollars". 
Because the American people view themselves as "Taxpayers" -- thus having been branded such their entire life, and not once ever questioning what that means, much less whether or it pertains to them, do fancy themselves, as just that, "Taxpayers".
Naturally, and understandably, when taking into consideration, this overriding fact about the American people, that they might further conclude when being told that their "tax dollars" are being used for anything, that they, being "Taxpayers", would view those tax dollars, as coming out of their own pockets. This then is the primary reason for the American people thinking that the mentioned 700 Billion, has something to do with them personally.
Now that the nexus has been made between "Taxpayers", and the American people, and why they view the discussed 700 Billion as
having to do with them -- lets now take a closer look at what the objectives are of those soliciting for the amount in question, aside from those stated
Given that the current monitary system is now imploding, and that conscript confidence is beginning to wane somewhat, the overall objective of the creator and architect, is to reinforce the role of the slaves part in it. How? By telling them, that they can rescue it. . . in other words, They, being "Taxpayers" , are being called into action to save the system, and themselves, at the same time. This has sort of a noble gesture to it, and when viewed from the "Taxpayers" standpoint, manages to imbue them with the notion that their part might be very special, if not helpful as well. 
So, what have these International Bankers managed to accomplish by all of this?
Well, for one, they have bought themselves, and the current system, a little more time, if nothing else, and have also managed to
reinforce the assumed and expected roles, which both parties now play, that being who the Government is, and who the Taxpayers are.
This I hold up as the primary objective of the World Management Team at this time.