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Tax Cuts Supercharge the Economy

James Hall

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Tax Cuts Supercharge the Economy

If you get your fake news from the corporatist filtered media, the sky is falling now that the Trump tax cuts are law. Pounded into the skulls of the dense hard heads of diminished grey matter is that the benefits of putting more cash into the pockets of everyday workers is peanuts. The collectivists who operate under communist economic doctrines fear that their normal class warfare rhetoric is hitting a wall of worry from their pro redistribution base. This factor requires telling an even bigger lie. Unleashing the animal spirits of confidence in growing the economy is now a reality, and the defenders of slicing a shrinking pie cannot bear the contrast of a vibrant and expanding economy.

As companies repatriate funds held in oversea accounts, they take advantage of paying the reduced onetime tax payment. Apple is a prime example of this aspect in the new law as reported in Real Clear Politics. They will pay a tax rate of "15% instead of 35% for a total of $37-38 billion in taxes. Even at a 15% rate on their $250 billion, and they're doing this happily."

Now the reason all these foreign profits built up over the years is a direct result of double taxation when brought back into the U.S. The elimination of this most negative of globalist taxation devices to drive domestic companies to leave our shores are over. The net result is that the liberation from this intentional tax schemes to de-industrialize American manufacturing translates into encouraging an immense incentive for a dramatic re-establishment of reinventing our economy.

Jobs, jobs and even more jobs will be the result. Imagine the explosion in expectations based upon real expansion in economic activity. For the demented democrats such a prospect is doggie doo in the Pelosi parlance and version of her Apocalypse Now panic chambers. Sounds like the “Chucky” Schumer government shutdown is based upon the tactics of Colonel Kurtz:

"It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror... Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared."

Economic imperialism is practiced by the donors of the establishment. The Democrats are the true fascists of the unholy alliance between Big Business and Despotic Government. The saps that demonstrate for expanding this vile partnership of governance are economic illiterates.

The Trump tax cuts will elevate entrepreneurship with immediate expensing the cost of certain assets as faster write-offs really appeal to businesses. As any experienced businessperson knows, when the return on capital invested increases without prolonged tax depreciation for the expense, business growth will multiply.

Investing back into a business is a proven method to grow any enterprise that sells products or services that customers demand. Those justifiers of the dependence society only grow one occupation; government addiction. Since Trump is increasing the income of the middle class and exempting lower wage earners from any federal tax, the patrons of welfare economy must become mercenaries in the service of the Sheriff of Nottingham. Hanging Trump from the Major Oak in Sherwood Forest displays the same fear that King John had from Robin Hood.

England became a nation of shopkeepers because individuals were able to participate within an expanding economy that benefited much of the country. America was able to create the largest middle class in history by putting in place the conditions for upward mobility. People could better themselves and rise about their previous station in the economy. Sadly, that promise of improvement includes fewer segments of the population for a very long time.

The swamp thieves wear a crown of despotism, designed to keep serfs in economic servitude. President Trump is upending the corrupt system and offers a path for economic prosperity for the ordinary people. The barons of the aristocracy have the money, resources and contacts to work the system which was designed to benefit them. The poor will always exist as the LBJ Great Society clearly demonstrates.   

Only the expansion of a viable middle class can increase wealth for the country. Trump rejected globalism by withdrawing from the TPP and NAFTA will be renegotiated or the U.S. will withdraw from the lopsided agreement. Adopting a Merchantry economy is consistent with the Trump initiatives. The recent tax cuts are a first step in the rejuvenation of an optimistic outlook through the financial retention of more of your money through lower taxes.

Wages are rising, bonuses paid and hiring is increasing. This is the mark of an improving economy. What you are witnessing from the envy opposition of the trump tax cuts is that they are dedicated to re-impose a marginal if not a dwindling business activities environment.

In order to build a domestic alternative to the mega corporations, small businesses need to become far more profitable. The next change needed is the revamping and overhaul of Dodd-Frank that will restore a loan based community banking model to finance the capital needs of a booming small business segment.

The approach for raising the bondservant out of poverty is not robbing from the rich and giving to the poor but for expanding the velocity of commerce among and between the residents of this country. Robin Hood may be a folklore myth but his message was never that of a bleeding heart. He fought for the natural rights of all Englishmen.

Out of this tale of the downtrodden overcoming the chains of bondage, the principles of Common Law became codified with the signing of the Magna Carta. Amplifying access to a thriving economy where individuals can compete and earn a prosperous income is the true promise and forthcoming results that will flow from tax cuts.

The next stage is to concentrate upon improving the prospects of the middle class in round two of additional economic reforms. None of these positive changes would have happened without the leadership and commitment of Donald Trump.

James Hall - January 24, 2018