Sign if you agree: Hands off Medicare and Medicaid
Josh Nelson
Stop the Republican assault on Medicare and Medicaid
The petition to Congress reads:
"Reject any legislation that cuts, weakens or privatizes Medicare or Medicaid. Tens of millions of Americans rely on these critical programs. Congress must expand these programs to cover more people, not cut them to give millionaires and billionaires huge tax breaks."
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Tens of millions of seniors and low-income Americans rely on Medicare and Medicaid for their survival, but Republicans are trying to gut these critical programs so they can hand out massive tax cuts to the ultra-rich.
Trumpcare, the so-called “repeal and replace” of the Affordable Care Act, is an all-out attack on the economic security and well-being of our nation’s most vulnerable people. The bill would decimate Medicare’s long-term solvency and slash Medicaid, which would force seniors and the poor to go without necessary care.
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on Trumpcare today – and the vote is expected to be close. Regardless of the outcome, this fight is far from over and we’ll continue fighting to stop the Republican attack on Medicare if and when it moves to the U.S. Senate.
The truth is, Congress must expand these programs to cover more people, not cut to give millionaires and billionaires huge tax breaks. Stopping this attack is a matter of life and death for millions of Americans.
Tell Congress: Hands off Medicare and Medicaid. Click here to sign the petition.
Medicare and Medicaid are our nation’s most effective and efficient health care programs, but Speaker Paul Ryan and other extreme right-wing Republicans have had their sights on dismantling our social safety net for a long time. Their ultimate goal has been to end Medicare as we know it and replace it with a privatized program which would cause premiums to skyrocket for the nearly 57 million who rely on it and result in fewer seniors and people with disabilities receiving health care coverage. Trumpcare would steal from the Medicare trust fund to pay for huge tax breaks, hastening the program’s insolvency and paving the way to privatization.1
What’s more, the Republican plan to destroy Medicaid would be equally devastating. Medicaid covers nearly 70 million Americans, including 40 percent of all children in the country. Half the births in America are covered by Medicaid, as well as 60 percent of seniors in long term care.2 Trump and Ryan’s plan would completely undermine Medicaid’s guarantee to provide care to the poor and the elderly by cutting funding to states which would ultimately result in rationing and withholding care for those who need it the most.3
It’s completely unacceptable to cut off children and seniors from these critical lifelines just so Republicans can give huge tax breaks to their wealthy campaign contributors. We must have a powerful show of grassroots support to show Congress that we will not tolerate this assault on tens of millions of seniors and low-income Americans.
Tell Congress: Hands off Medicare and Medicaid. Click the link below to sign the petition:
Thanks for all you do.
Josh Nelson, Deputy Political Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets
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- Allegra Kirkland, "Bonus! GOP Obamacare Repeal Bill Depletes Medicare Trust Fund Faster," Talking Points Memo, March 10, 2017.
- "A Field Guide To Medicare And Medicaid, And How They Could Change," WBUR, March 14, 2017.
- Gene B. Sperling, "The AHCA’s Tradeoff: Giving Up Vital Care to Get Tax Cuts for the Rich," March 14, 2017.