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Federal Reserve Under Yellen

James Hall

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FW:  Nov. 12, 2016

Now that the big bluff from the Federal Reserve that interest rates were poised to start their eventual rise has been played, when will the trigger actually be pulled? Assumptions that the Fed act as custodians of the national trust to balance and maintain the economic stability has been proven wrong time and again. Just how well has their efforts translated into the real economy of business activities that reflects positively for the average American? Obviously, if you are not a hedge fund speculator, your response will be guarded at best.

The International Business Times asks, As The Federal Reserve Holds Interest Rates, What Did We Learn About The Economy? “Observers took particular note of the Fed’s mention of “global economic and financial developments” in its highly scrutinized press release, a shift from previous statements.”

Federal Reserve trackers are eager to present their forecasts and parsing of future intents. One such interpretation comes from the Washington Post, The biggest economic decision of the year, explained.

“Yellen believes that the Fed can play an important role in helping the economy return to normal. She is a staunch supporter of the massive stimulus the Fed unleashed under Bernanke to help the country avoid another Great Depression. She is less worried about prices spiraling out of control and more worried about the number of people who are unemployed or underemployed. In the wonky world of Fed watchers, that makes her a "dove" -- as opposed to a hawk who is more worried about inflation.

Yellen gave a speech in San Francisco in March in which she gave what at first seems to be a clear-cut statement: “With continued improvement in economic conditions, an increase in the target range for that rate may well be warranted later this year.”

Add to this viewpoint the actual words from the Fed Chair. Here’s how Yellen put it in a speech in Rhode Island in May:

“The various headwinds that are still restraining the economy, as I said, will likely take some time to fully abate, and the pace of that improvement is highly uncertain. If conditions develop as my colleagues and I expect, then the FOMC's objectives of maximum employment and price stability would best be achieved by proceeding cautiously, which I expect would mean that it will be several years before the federal funds rate would be back to its normal, longer-run level.”

A fairly clear statement! So when the Daily Caller list 5 Things to Know After the Fed Interest Rate Announcement, one needs to wonder if the decision has already been made to keep the banksters of international finance flush in a zero interest rate environment.

Even the Wall Street Journal has to admit that Janet Yellen’s Fed Flounders in Political Arena.

Congressional leaders from both sides of aisle fault central bank’s transparency and responsiveness, yet “The Fed was structured by Congress as an independent agency and its monetary-policy decisions were specifically exempted from congressional audits.”

It is no surprise that the Federal Reserve is guided by Jewish Banking and Financial Manipulations. At the risk of examining the obvious, one needs to question the merits and surely the confidence quotient in a trend that feeds the interest of a particular tribe.

Nathan Guttman writes in the Ugly Truth:

“Yellen, whose nomination to head America’s central bank was reported Tuesday, will follow her immediate predecessor Ben Bernanke who was Jewish, and Bernanke’s immediate predecessor, Alan Greenspan, who was Jewish, too. There have been two other Jewish fed chairs in the past century. In fact, the other frontrunner for the position, Lawrence Summers, was Jewish too.”

If this assertion was not true why not assure the public that the private central bank has nothing to hide? Michael Snyder from the End of the American Dream published, Janet Yellen Is Freaking Out About ‘Audit The Fed’. Review the hundred reasons why the Federal Reserve should be shut down. Yellen has shown no interest in opening the books and refuting the volumes of evidence that demonstrate that Fed policy only serves the interests of the financial elites.

At what point will the financial press admit that pumping money into the banking system, for the expressed purpose of speculation gambling is a harebrained activity? The Daily Reckoning article, Why QE is Not a Performance Enhancing Drug points the finger at the lack of political will to rein in the banksters, for a simple reason. Government’s budgets benefit from the issuing of unlimited debt created money.

“Without Governments making the hard decisions — adjusting spending levels and tax reform — it’s down to the QE to create the illusion. The illusion that the economy is cycling along from strength to strength.

There is not a Government in the world today that has the spine to implement the hard decisions. Why would they when they can go to the medicine cabinet for another bottle of QE?”

Yellen is sliding down the same steep slope that Greenspan and Bernanke set into motion.

The Central Bankers' Malodorous War on Savers explains the nature of banking fraud as only David Stockman presents.

“Here’s the thing. You don’t need fancy econometric regression analysis or DSGE models to see that ZIRP is a macroeconomic dud. Simple empirical data trends show that it hasn’t goosed household borrowing and consumption spending, nor has it stimulated business investment.

And that’s what makes Dudley, Yellen and the rest of the posse so detestable. They are deploying formulaic Keynesian incantations about an allegedly incomplete and fragile recovery to continue to pleasure Wall Street speculators with several more months of free carry trade funding, and by every indication several more years of money market rates that are tantamount to zero.”

Janet Yellen is continuing the war on the real American economy. Piling up more compound interest obligations only goes to enrich the Rothschild model of finance. Defenders of the    Federal Reserve are fools. Politicians opposing, at a minimum a forensic audit of the Fed are traitors. Abolishing the banksters monopoly on money is a constitutional necessity.

James Hall – September 23, 2015