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“Unconstitutional”: Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Illegally Funded Without Congress Authorization

Mac Slavo

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May 14, 2016












The above image is a generic one from the type of SWAT raids the police state has become known for. Though President Obama pretends that he is against these kinds of ‘military vehicles on the streets of America’ it represents exactly how the federal government intends to enforce its Obamacare mandate (it’s already happening with student loans).

Make no mistake, the IRS is armed and the age of debtor’s prison is back in vogue, along with everything else ungodly and unconstitutional. “Tax cheats” and Tea Party-like political targets – now monitored and penalized in fines and audits – will no doubt cross paths with a SWAT team before long.

No one knows the hour, but everyone knows the routine. It is coming, and the witnesses are lined up and down the aisle. The proverbial writing is on the wall.

This is a tyranny. It is dressed up in political theater and subtle rationales for the scofflaws and dissidents it targets.

It is the people in mainstream society who must bear the outrageous costs of health care – driven up by self-interested pharmaceuticals, drug listeria, etc. – by being forced at gunpoint to pay for insurance that is unaffordable and so inept and slow as to detriment the health of the people who must rely upon it.

This system encourages sick people, and creates loopholes for crony financiers to reap the profits. It is the people who must pay for it… say what you will, but there is little promise that it will be overturned.

Nevertheless, it is “historic” that a federal judge has ruled that at least one aspect of Obamacare is certainly “unconstitutional” – based on a lawsuit by House Republicans over part of the language of the Obamacare law (in which a vague promise of Federal subsidies for health insurers that cover low income people is made but does not include proper funding or authorization from Congress).

It is significant, but hardly the whole enchilada.

The L.A. Times reports:

House Republicans won Round 2 in a potentially historic lawsuit Thursday when a federal judge declared the Obama administration was unconstitutionally spending money to subsidize health insurers without obtaining an appropriation from Congress.

Last year, U.S. District Court Judge Rosemary Collyer broke new ground by ruling the GOP-controlled House of  Representatives had legal standing to sue the president over how he was enforcing his signature healthcare law.

On Thursday, she ruled the administration is violating a provision of the law by paying promised reimbursements to health insurers who provide coverage at reduced costs to low-income Americans.


The Constitution says “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law,” Collyer noted, but the administration has continued to pay billions to insurers for their extra cost of providing health coverage.

“Paying [those] reimbursements without an appropriation thus violates the Constitution,” she wrote. “Congress is the only source for such an appropriation, and no public money can be spent without one.”


“This suit represents the first time in our nation’s history that Congress has been permitted to sue the executive branch over a disagreement about how to interpret a statute,” House Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters.

It is certainly true, and should be respected, that Congress alone among the three branches holds the public purse.

It will likely be turned over on appeal, and the whole process may head again to the Supreme Court… but that audience is cold to such arguments. Scalia is now quite dead, and what’s left is a travesty for the Constitution.

Much of the damage has already been done; other destruction is coming.



Though the soft phase of the ‘velvet glove’ is still operating on the surface, the worm has already turned. Debt and decline have set into this once great nation; the barbarians have long ago been let in the gate. Useful hordes of low wage immigrants and forced-cultural clashes keep the focus off the titans who pull the strings and force ordinary Americans into a no-win situation, and mocking choices of opposing-collaborators in its leadership “choices.”

The debt can never be repaid, and won’t be anyway through the policy avenues that now exist. The bankers have successfully looted the Treasury, and set up the Federal Reserve as an all-you-can-eat bankers buffet.

The system is collapsing, and these have always been dark days for patriots; the pattern has repeated many times over just in the 20th Century alone.

Today, Venezuela is in obvious collapse, and the people are being brutally starved and repressed. Meanwhile, the same is happening in slow motion in America, though the appearance may be different.

The oligarchs bankrolling Obama’s presidency have inflated the vehicles of socialism, socialized medicine and welfare benefits, only to profit off no-bid contracts and carefully channeled returns through fees, charges and guaranteed business shares. The pensions have been handily disappeared into the derivatives blackhole-market, as equity pirates loot the community chests and leave retirees hanging with a bad haircut.

Ideologues have refused to see why being forced to buy into a socialized system is so wrong and detrimental on every level.

Freedom is being extinguished, and the day is coming when many will meet face to face with SWAT teams and warrant sweeps for unpaid debts to the State.

Be very cautious about what is approaching…

Here are some other snapshots in this unfolding tyranny (It runs the course of years, not hours):

Your “Children Will Be Fined” If You Fail To Sign Up For Obamacare: People Are Going To Be In for A Shock

Short on Cash, “Poor Americans Ending Up in Modern-Day Debtors’ Prison” Over Traffic Fines

“Income Tax Is Government Theft” and IRS Is a Lawless Thief

The Most Important Supreme Court Cases “Derailed” By Scalia’s Death: Amnesty, Obamacare & Guns