A big congrats to a friend I’ve been working with for several years, he stood up to the predators commonly called the “IRS” and they dropped their attack. Thanks also for providing me with the proof below.
The criminals called the “IRS” initiated an attack claiming my friend was required to file six tax returns, or explain how he made certain payments. We took another route, we challenged jurisdiction. The financial information is not the business of the “IRS”.
We made calls and spoke to agents, we have a long history of doing that. We followed up in writing asking for abatement on the grounds there was no evidence of jurisdiction. We used the agent’s own statements against them. You can hear examples of this here.
We got the 45 day letter in response. This is usually a good thing.
After a few weeks we got the following letter informing us the attack was dropped, the matter was resolved for all six years.
This doesn’t mean they always do the right thing, it doesn’t mean if you do the same thing and get the same admissions, then they will also drop their attack. They are criminals. They force people to give them money; they take what they think they are entitled to, and they are very willing to terrorize your friends, family and business associates into compliance to their whims.
But it is evidence that using logic, that challenging these sacred cows, is effective at exposing them and getting their bogus claims dropped. Because while they had plenty of financial reports, they didn’t have a single fact to support their argument there was jurisdiction. If jurisdiction is not proven with evidence, then nothing else is relevant. Without evidence the argument is just vox et praeterea nihil.
Stop accepting sacred cows. If it’s so obvious the constitution and code apply to everyone, then putting up the proof of that argument would be easy.