Nigerian president seeks loan to fight Boko Haram
The Unhived Mind
Nigerian president seeks loan to fight Boko Haram
Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:3AM GMT
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has sought parliament’s approval to borrow $1 billion from abroad to help the country’s army fight against the Boko Haram Takfiri militants.
There is an “urgent need” to help the armed forces and upgrade their equipment, training and logistics in order to be able to tackle the security threat posed by the militants, Jonathan said in a letter read to Nigeria’s Senate and House of Representatives on Wednesday.
“You are no doubt cognizant of the ongoing and serious security challenges which the nation is facing as typified by the Boko Haram terrorist threat,” he added.
“For this reason, I seek the concurrence of the National Assembly for external borrowing of not more than $1 billion.”
Nigeria’s army has been under pressure due to its performance in fighting the Boko Haram.
The three states of Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe have been under emergency law since a string of deadly Boko Haram attacks in May 2013.
Boko Haram has recently escalated its campaign of terror by attacking many villages in Nigeria’s northeast, burning homes and killing residents.
Boko Haram — whose name means “Western education is forbidden” — says its goal is to overthrow the Nigerian government.
It has claimed responsibility for a number of deadly gun and bomb attacks in various parts of Nigeria since the beginning of its militancy in 2009.
theunhivedmind says:
Any loan must not come from the Venetian West such as the IMF because it is these swines who are behind the Boko Haram group. Boko Haram is being used by the West to help try and get the eventual infiltration of the Nigerian government and thus make sure all Nigerian oil is sold in U.S Dollars. What Nigeria needs to do is go to the BRICS and ask for a loan from then along with military help and immediately reprice their oil in either Russian Rubles or Chinese Yuan. It is time to make a stand and destroy the U.S. Dollar and military once and for all. This can easily be done and Putin has showed us the way with the BRICS, this next round of sanctions on Russia will only cause Putin to continue legally destroying the U.S. empire.
-= The Unhived Mind