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Obama's Cracy new law starts July 1, 2014

WND/Stansberry Research

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Feb. 12, 2014

We’ve been critical of several Obama Administration policies over the past few years…

But a new law set to go into effect on July 1st, 2014 (less than six months from now), might be the Administration’s worst decision yet.

On this date, Title V of House of Representative Bill #2847, known as “FATCA,” goes into effect.

We believe this could precipitate a huge collapse in the U.S. dollar… and a rapid decrease in our standard of living.

Of course, we’re not the only ones who believe this new U.S. law is going to be a disaster for our country and American citizens.

Andrew Quinlan of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity says: “FATCA is pound-for-pound the single worst tax law on the books.”

Even the normally liberal Atlantic Monthly magazine said: “FATCA seems to be turning into a nightmare and disaster.”

What does this law do… and why is it so bad for America?

The founder of our research firm has put together a detailed explanation of what is happening in America right now, and why this new law is something EVERY American should pay close attention to.

Get the facts for yourself, free on our website, here


George Rayburn

Publisher, Stansberry Research