Tomorrow at 1pm ET $JPM Vice Chairman Jimmy Lee takes over @JPMorgan to answer your questions for 1 hour. Tweet your Q early using #AskJPM
The bank, the largest in the U.S., set up the Q&A session by asking Twitter users to send in questions, marked with the hashtag #AskJPM, for veteran investment banker Jimmy Lee to answer.
Americans then proceeded to ask the bank questions immersed in truth.
Elisabeth Carey @ElisabethCarey Follow
#askJPM Any plans to return illegally foreclosed homes to their rightful owners? If not, how do you justify your continued existence?
Do you have an org chart that's perfectly analogous to the criminal underworld - capo, made man - or do you just wing it? #AskJPM
Does it feel better paying the biggest bank fines in history so far, or did the satisfaction of the crimes outweigh the fines? #AskJPM
Is the fact that you've paid over half a billion in fines since August a source or pride, or are you embarrassed it's not higher? #AskJPM