Freddie Mac and Fannie
Principality Trade Commissioner
--- On Fri, 8/22/08, Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta <somam@prodigy.net> wrote:
Subject: Fwd: Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae _ Economic Receipt - USDollars 4.5 trillion; 1.575 trillion repat civil tax
To: "The Honorable, George W Bush, Jr." <president@whitehouse.gov>, "Mr Dick Cheney" <vice.president@whitehouse.gov>, "The Honorable Dick Cheney" <vice_president@whitehouse.gov>, "Mr John DUGAN" <customer.assistance@occ.treas.gov>, "Chairman Ed GILLESPIE" <info@gop.com>, "Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey" <askdoj@usdoj.gov>, "The Honorable Henry M Paulson" <treasurer@do.treas.gov>, "SEC" <enforcement@sec.gov>, "John C. Yoo Esq." <yoo@law.berkeley.edu>
Cc: "Ambassador" <diplomat_switzerland@msn.com>, "Ambassador" <diplomat_canada@msn.com>, "Alex Vogel_Barry Banker_Steve Smith" <teamvolpac@volpac.org>, "First Lady Laura Bush" <first.lady@whitehouse.gov>, "First Lady Laura Bush" <L.Bush@asu.edu>, "Mrs Lynne Cheney" <mrs.cheney@whitehouse.gov>, "Messr Mike Du Haime RNC Directeur" <ecampaign@gop.com>, "RNC Chairman Mike Duncan" <chairman@gop.com>, "Robert M. Mike Duncan" <ecampaign@rnchq.org>, "Martin Gillespie" <catholics@gopteamleader.com>, "RNC Deputy Directeur Martin Gillespie, Grassroots Development Catholic Outreach Programmes" <gopteamleader@gopteamleader.com>, "GOPUSA - Friends" <friends@gopusa.com>, "Officer in Charge" <comments@whitehouse.gov>, "Officer in Charge" <feedback@gopusa.com>, "Officer in Charge" <weekly_review@whitehouse.gov>, "Executive Directeur Mark L. Stephens" <nrsc@nrscmail2.org>
Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 12:31 PM