Jim Stone
Guess what? In 2010 they re-defined what qualified hurricanes for category levels, and threw out the following:
In the past, the diameter of the hurricane mattered for it's rating. If it was a puny thing like Maria it would not go over category one because it does not reach out far enough and therefore lacked a high overall energy. After 2010, only the peak wind speed was considered no matter how small the area covered was, and if they could lie about that, the hurricane automatically became what they wanted. This was done to make it easier to use weather modification tech to scam for the global warming/carbon tax agenda.
Prior to 2010, the environmental effects of the hurricane counted towards it's rating. This means, for example, how much it sucked the water level down in the surrounding area, and not just it's individual storm surge height over a small area. Irma caused the ocean to recede over enormous areas as it built it's storm surge under itself. There were widespread reports about the ocean receding far away from the normal shoreline during Irma, and no such reports for Maria to date, at least none that I have seen. This is because Irma is about 1/4 the size of Jose, and Jose is less than half the size that Irma was. Cumulatively, Maria is just a baby compared to the other two.
Prior to 2010, other things were considered, such as wave height. Wave height is the result of three things. 1. Fresh or salt water - waves get higher easier in fresh water. OK, now for the other two, that matter for hurricanes. 2: Wind speed and 3. Fetch length. Huge hurricanes make huge waves with less wind speed than small hurricanes can make with higher winds. If high winds only blow on the water over a short distance, waves will not get as high as they would get if the wind blew across the water for a long distance.
Maria had pathetic short waves. 25 feet is NOTHING for a hurricane, in fact, 25 feet is so short that Maria clearly did not qualify as a major hurricane. Even a category 1 hurricane should push waves up to 70 feet or more. Yet 25 foot waves are what hit Puerto Rico, and that speaks volumes.
Chris Kitze was in the Mexico earthquake!
Here is a comment from him, and it mirrors what I have said:
"The building codes have had 32 years to build much stronger buildings, the engineering is much better and while there were some terrible collapses, many of the newer buildings escaped with minor cosmetic damage. All that steel and engineering really paid off. They were well prepared, with earthquake drills so everyone knew what to do when the real event happened. It was really impressive to see.
What struck me about this earthquake was the way the Mexican people handled themselves. There was no panic, everyone very calmly moved away from the windows towards the elevator shaft, even while they were literally being thrown about. People helped each other and genuinely looked after each other. You couldn’t miss the compassion and kindness.
Most of the city was back in business after a few hours and by the next day things in this neighborhood seemed back to normal. There are still rescue efforts ongoing, the subway is closed and some people are still without electricity, so it’s not over for a lot of people. Compared to the Northridge quake, the Mexicans are much better organized. You could say they go through a lot of earthquakes, but that’s not it. It’s about the moral character of the people.
They really took care of each other. I’ll never forget that, it left a real impression.
Let’s have prayers for those who are missing and injured and wish the best to their families.
via Chris Kitze of BIN
This was supposed to post at 2:30 but 3 traffic jams later it is 7:30 and my nerves are shot!
As part of my investigation into fakely pumped up Maria, I made a huge discovery. GUESS WHAT? To front the global warming agenda, and help the new world order get away with faking extreme weather, they have changed the definitions of what storms will do with various wind speeds.
I found a PDF produced by the (honest) old school. FACT: If Maria was as stated, not a single tree on the entire island would have been unscathed yet in the after photos there are plenty of trees in decent condition. There is tree damage in Puerto Rico that is worse than I thought there would be, but it still does not come anywhere near the claims by NOAA. The following image is an excerpt from this PDF, HERE IS THE ENTIRE PDF, it has all the info anyone would need to prove Puerto Rico did not get hit as bad as stated.
The chart below is what actually happens to trees at various wind speeds. This chart is in the linked PDF above. This linked PDF (above) also has a hurricane dissipation chart that proves Maria should have stayed the same strength all the way over Puerto Rico, as well as damage charts that prove Maria at most did category 2 damage at the worst point, which should have been island wide if Maria was a real category 2. This means Maria was a category 1, because the damage was not spread wide enough to qualify for a higher rating in the pre carbon tax era and probably even today. Puerto Rico did not have enough land mass to knock a real hurricane down at all, despite the mountains.
Additionally, the PDF contains a damage dispersal chart that proves ALL of Puerto Rico should have suffered equal damage from a real hurricane, not only "bad damage" where Maria made landfall, fading off to practically nothing as Maria progressed. The massive fade off strongly indicated weather mod tech in use. Real natural hurricanes simply do not die as fast as Maria did, and all of the charts that prove it are in that link. The linked PDF is an absolute gold mine of information, and a carbon tax seekers nightmare because it proves how fake everything has been recently.
Absolutely everything you could ever want to know about hurricanes is in the link above. If you are interested in hurricanes, I strongly recommend you browse it.
Here is the tree damage chart, straight from the national forest service that proves downed trees can't be used as a reliable reference for hurricane strength. Obviously they know trees! Property damage is the real reference and the quality of the construction matters a lot. As you will see in the photos below, Puerto Rico has very poor building standards and would have been shredded by a genuine island wide category 1.
Drudge reported that Puerto Rico has been stripped of trees
What headlines has that boy been smoking??!!??
Here's a good shot of electrical system damage, but a category 1 or 2 will still do this, any hurricane will. (no hurricane is supposed to be easy!)
NOAA BUSTED: The Saffir Simpson scale is a SURFACE WIND SCALE
I did not know that, and it makes NOAA an EVEN BIGGER LIAR! The scale used to measure hurricane intensity does not take into account how high the winds are up inside the hurricane. I thought it did, because only that could explain how NOAA was rating the hurricanes, but it does not. That means even now, after strengthening, Maria only has 90 mph winds and NOAA is lying.
For real time updates on how huge NOAA is lying, CHECK THIS WIND MAP (it is the same one I have always linked) and watch NOAA spew falsehood after falsehood. The wind map will only be off by a few percent MAX. Click around on the hurricane and see what is really going on.
Here is the definition of a category 1 hurricane (and this is exactly what happened in Puerto Rico a Category 1 74–95 mph)
Very dangerous winds will produce some damage
Category 1 storms usually cause no significant structural damage to most well-constructed permanent structures; however, they can topple unanchored mobile homes, as well as uproot or snap weak trees. Poorly attached roof shingles or tiles can blow off. Coastal flooding and pier damage are often associated with Category 1 storms. Power outages are typically widespread to extensive, sometimes lasting several days. Even though it is the least intense type of hurricane, the storm can still produce widespread damage and can be a life-threatening storm
CHECK THE WIND SPEED MAP I LINKED. AT THE TIME OF THIS POSTING (1:45 PM CST) Maria is a category 1 storm regardless of what is on Drudge. The wind speed map is right, and that is all there is to it!
THIS Wall Street Journal Report says the damage in the photo below was caused by "25 foot waves".
Yeah, but 54 mph winds would never peel a roof back, like what is in that photo, RIGHT? Guess again, here is a close up of how poorly constructed the homes are in Puerto Rico! This lived, and it was right on the beach getting the full blast!
I was wrong about one thing though: There are a few destroyed homes and flipped cars in Puerto Rico, because "25 foot waves" were able to reach them. That's not the same as having the wind do it, but I said nothing would be destroyed so I have to correct that because I did not think about wave damage.
The construction in Puerto Rico is so poor it would never be allowed in mainland America, and the photo above proves it. 155 mph winds? MY ***, please subtract 100 from that, and we will have a match both for what happened to such poor construction on the ground, and the Beufort scale.
The wave heights, when contrasted with the Beufort scale, prove what the winds were with a totally objective reference. There is no way NOAA or the scamming MSM will ever overcome what they have reported about wave heights. Once they said that, they provided a reference that cannot be refuted. They are irrevocably busted by the Beufort scale, category 1/tropical storm CONFIRMED. Keep in mind that no admissions will be made, because there is a phony global warming agenda to uphold, and for that agenda to succeed they need their "super storms". Also keep in mind that Drudge is nothing but a headline parrot who posts bullshit frequently because of that so his sensational headlines are meaningless.
As a rebuttal, before it is needed
It will obviously be argued that my wind samples of Maria on Puerto Rico are irrelevant, because at the time they were taken, Maria was weakened by the mountains. But that won't work because:
During the weather mod portion of the report, where I reported clear evidence of weather mod pumping up Maria, I posted a capture of Maria just as it was making landfall. That capture proves the winds were not over 85 mph (as I stated) because the wind map starts to turn purple after that. Since the capture has only wind speeds up to whatever red will cover, it means these winds were between 59 and 85 mph but there is no way to know exactly what they were because I was only interested in showing the weather mod in progress and not the actual wind speed so I did not sample the wind. Here is that capture that proves beyond a doubt the 155 mph winds were B.S. because the map progresses all the way through purple to white before 155 mph is reached. If it is all red, it is category 1 or less.
Also to repeat yesterday, Magic Box wrote and said the square artifacts were due to the sampling. However, with the exact same sampling, Jose to the North had no artifacts (this is all posted below)
Maria making landfall in Puerto Rico with 85 mph or less surface winds:
I posted the following to a popular forum
It is good enough to post here.
If the power is out in Puerto rico for any more than a week or two it will be caused politically. Since nothing happened of substance, (it is well documented that NOAA lied, and that Puerto Rico had no winds anywhere over 85 mph,) they can at least keep the power cut to create the illusion of "devastation" for the masses outside of Puerto Rico.
The illusion might hold, I was 100 miles away from landfall for Patricia - the "category 6" mega cane that hit Mexico and did practically nothing, and you can go to Manzanilla and talk to people and they brag about their "category 6" that did not wipe out a single home, my god people are clueless and just parrot the authorities even when reality is obviously not as stated by them. Carbon tax Ahoy!
Most of the outages in Puerto rico were caused by poorly strung wires running through trees that were not properly cut away from the wires (like what gets done everywhere, even in Mexico,) because they were too lazy and short sighted to do proper maintenance. Even a brief perusal of Google images confirms this, and also confirms that there was no damage to anything that was not built like a shack.
The other problem is laziness, no one there is going to work hard to get the power back on. There were plenty of real outages simply because proper maintenance in the form of removing hazardous trees was never done. Hazardous trees go down in 60 mph winds. If these were not taken care of ahead of time, you can bet worker attitudes are going to keep the power out a lot longer than it has to be.
Look at how they strung their electrical in the aftermath pictures - a lot of the outages were caused by cheap tin roofs cutting extension cord quality wire while the houses the tin came from are perfectly intact sans tin roof, despite 2x3 construction. They did not even use 2x4's on EXTERIOR walls, yet all the houses are still standing, sans the occasional roof. That would not be possible after a significant hurricane.
Many island states are built the same, perfectly acceptable construction in many is 2x2 walls that end up being three inches thick once the sheathing is applied. Many times island states shoot straight for the bottom because the climate is so favorable they don't need protection from the elements . . . .until a hurricane arrives, which is like, "almost never."
The trollage on the topic is astounding. Clearly someone does not want word of a borderline fake hurricane (that might have been only a tropical storm) getting out, because there is a global warming agenda to uphold.
Just surf Google images, plenty is getting out of puerto rico but the MSM does not want to publish it because what actually happened on the ground does not fit the carbon tax climate change story line of a mega hurricane.
Unfortunately we live in an era where NOAA and the USGS can't be trusted, for example, the Mexico quake HAD TO have been more than a 7.1 but they are not publishing that. It seems that for whatever political agenda there is, we can't get the truth anywhere anymore.
Jim Stone