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IRMAGEDDON: Who geoengineered Superstorm Irma and why?


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State of the Nation

Make no mistake about it: Hurricane Irma was quite deliberately geoengineered as a highly destructive and deadly superstorm.

The NWO globalist cabal has ordered the geoengineers to fabricate this frankenstorm as a direct threat to President Donald J. Trump and his administration.

Hurricane Irma Tracking Right Toward Trump’s Mar-a-lago Luxury Resort In Palm Beach, FL

As always, there are several purposes for this mega-hurricane, each of which serves to significantly advance the stymied New World Order agenda.

Why “stymied”?

Because Trump has decisively taken his wrecking ball to the covert scheme to impose a One World Government upon We the People.  He has done this by pulling out of the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), renegotiating NAFTA, and shutting down illegal immigration, among other weighty initiatives.

However, Trump’s biggest conquest — by far — was pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord.  This single executive action by the POTUS has thwarted the NWO agenda more than any other move he has made to date.

The profound repercussions and far-reaching ramifications of Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement will not be tolerated by the ruling cabal.  For this fraudulent agreement was the centerpiece of their global totalitarian superstate which was to be modeled after the tyrannical European Union.[1]

The critical point here is that the globalists are now doing whatever they can to support their false CO2-driven climate change narrative.  They are so desperate to foist their extremely expensive, labor-intensive hoax upon the world community of nations that they will resort to destroying whole cities.  Their sacred cow of Global Climate Change (GCC) will not be sacrificed under any circumstances, if they can help it.

NWO Cabal Uses HARVEY & IRMA to Promote Global Climate Change Scam

As the preceding link reveals, the cabal is determined to convince the people of the world that their version of climate change is real, even though it’s utterly fake.  The same weather controllers have regularly used the mainstream media (MSM) to promote the GCC scam via so much fake news and incessant propaganda.

There is much more to this GCC ruse than meets the eye.  In fact, this multi-decade conspiracy requires some penetrating analysis to properly unpack the various layers of deceit and deception, duplicity and disinformation.  In order to correctly understand just how pivotal the GCC scheme is toward the establishment of their One World Government, the article below ought to be carefully.

One World Government Initially Emerging As Global CO2 ‘Management’ Regime

Hurricane Irma right after Superstorm Harvey

The creation of these two frankenstorms is obviously no freak of Mother Nature.  The whole world witnessed the weather warfare that HARVEY waged against East Texas.  The various reasons for that superstorm invasion are many and unequivocal.  As follows: HURRICANE HARVEY & WEATHER WARFARE EXPLAINED

Now we have another catastrophic superstorm on the way—Hurricane Irma.

There is now a preponderance of evidence which points directly to IRMA being a stealthily geoengineered superstorm just like HARVEY was.  The highly unusual behavior of this transparently manufactured frankenstorm has been exposed by a number of investigative weather researchers. For example: Hurricane Irma: Obvious Manmade Origin

What the geoengineers hope to accomplish with HARVEY and IRMA is a one-two knockout punch.  They don’t care if they have to destroy a few major cities in the process of implementing their nefarious agenda. The globalists are on an exceedingly tight schedule which must be adhered to if they are to be successful in the formation of their UN-sponsored communist superstate.

That this widespread devastation by way of weather warfare is taking place in 2017, on the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, is no quick of fate.[2]  The cabal plans to generate so much chaos and confusion via weather invasions that their violent leftwing terrorist groups (e.g. AntiFa, Black Lives Matter, etc.) can wreak havoc in the urban areas. This salient tactic much be apprehended quickly, as it is an essential prong of the Soros-sponsored Purple Revolution.

Will there be a third and fourth superstorm?

Yes, chances are very great that TPTB will not stop with the naked weather warfare until President Trump has openly submitted to their will.  The will no longer tolerate the POTUS so blatantly disrupting their agenda.  Trump has already taken his wrecking ball to their major MSM news outlets, and it is unlikely they will permit him to “sink the GCC Titanic”.

In view of this very tense state of affairs, the entire planetary civilization is witnessing an epic battle between Team Trump and Deep State.  Such a cataclysmic war has never been fought before out in the open. Truly, this is the final battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness.  Because the ultimate control of Planet Earth is at stake for both sides of this conflict, there will likely be a fifth, sixth and seventh superstorm as well unless….


It is for this reason that the many in our worldwide news network and allied advocacy groups have called for extraordinary measures be taken to shut down the geoengineering programs post-haste.  As long as the geoengineers are chemtrailing the skies and transmitting HAARP frequencies via advanced satellite-based technologies, the whole world remains inordinately vulnerable.

*Unfortunately, those who truly rule the world carry out their plots using cliques of incorrigible criminally insane psychopaths.  These politicians, politicos, and powerbrokers are completely without conscience just as the geoengineers and chemtrail pilots are devoid of the same.  They are all hardwired in this lifetime to perpetrate great evil upon the land, the waters, the air and especially peoples everywhere.  As follows: PONERIZATION: How the American Republic was taken over by political cliques of criminally insane psychopaths

Only when the true depth and breadth of this predicament is comprehended will the American people seek their necessary solutions in another realm.  Because the fate of the humanity now hangs in the balance, as does the continuity of the biosphere, the time to act is now.  To allow the wanton destruction of the global environment to go on is completely unacceptable.  Hence, the following initiative is made available to every human being.

A Global Prayer & Meditation Day: Saturday, September 9, 2017

This worldwide prayer vigil is specifically intended to:

To End Geoengineering 

and the Weather Wars 

Waged Against Humanity

State of the Nation

September 8, 2017


[1] EU Exposé: A Planned Totalitarian Superstate to Destroy Europe

[2] Exactly 100 Years After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917→Comes the Percolating Purple Revolution of 2017