TRUMP ADMINISTRATION Backs Geoengineering, Full Disclosure Of The Climate Engineering Atrocities Grows Near
The ongoing global geoengineering assault has long since inflicted catastrophic and irreparable damage to the biosphere, climate, and life support systems of our planet (along with countless other forms of anthropogenic activity). It is truly incomprehensible that such blatantly obvious "climate intervention" programs can be carried out in skies all over the world, in plain site (for over 70 years), and still be officially denied.
Geoengineered skies, Clarksville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brandy Glick
Though all former US administrations at least publicly pretended to care about the environment (while carrying out business as usual behind the scenes), the Trump administration doesn't even go that far. The excerpts below were taken from a new UK Guardian article titled "Trump Presidency Opens Door To Planet-Hacking Geoengineering Experiments"
Harvard engineers who launched the world’s biggest solar geoengineering research program may get a dangerous boost from Donald Trump, environmental organizations are warning.
Under the Trump administration, enthusiasm appears to be growing for the controversial technology of solar geo-engineering, which aims to spray sulphate particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sun’s radiation back to space and decrease the temperature of Earth.
What is the true agenda of the weather warfare insanity being carried out in our skies? What are the ultimate objectives? Why would the Trump administration enthusiastically embrace, promote, and back geoengineering/climate intervention programs given the fact that Donald Trump and most of his appointees patently deny that there is any global warming in the first place? More excerpts from the Guardian article are below.
While geoengineering received little favour under Obama, high-level officials within the Trump administration have been long-time advocates for planetary-scale manipulation of Earth systems.
David Schnare, an architect of Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency transition, has lobbied the US government and testified to Senate in favour of federal support for geoengineering.
“Clearly parts of the Trump administration are very willing to open the door to reckless schemes like David Keith’s, and may well have quietly given the nod to open-air experiments,” said Silvia Riberio, with technology watchdog ETC Group. “Worryingly, geoengineering may emerge as this administration’s preferred approach to global warming. In their view, building a big beautiful wall of sulphate in the sky could be a perfect excuse to allow uncontrolled fossil fuel extraction. We need to be focussing on radical emissions cuts, not dangerous and unjust technofixes.” billboard on I-80 near Elko, Nevada (3/20/17). Photo credit: Steve Small
… former House speaker and Trump confidant Newt Gingrich was one of the first to start publicly advocating for geoengineering.
“Geoengineering holds forth the promise of addressing global warming concerns for just a few billion dollars a year,” he said in 2008, before helping launch a geoengineering unit while he ran the right-wing think tank American Economic Enterprise. “We would have an option to address global warming by rewarding scientific innovation. Bring on American ingenuity. Stop the green pig.”
Geoengineered skies, Hampstead, North Carolina. Photo credit: Sheen Perkins
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has also appeared to support geoengineering, describing climate change as an “engineering problem.” ExxonMobil’s funding of the climate denial industry is under investigation by attorney generals in the United States, but it’s less well known that ExxonMobil scientists under Tillerson’s reign as CEO were leading developers of geo-engineering technologies
Asked about solutions to climate change at an ExxonMobil shareholder meeting in 2015, Tillerson said that a “plan B has always been grounded in our beliefs around the continued evolution of technology and engineered solutions.”
The ongoing atmospheric particulate (SRM) spraying is undeniable as film footage proves.
Geoengineers argue that such methods would be an inexpensive way to reduce global warming, but scientists have warned it could have catastrophic consequences for the Earth’s weather systems.
Scientific modeling has shown that stratospheric spraying could drastically curtail rainfall throughout Asia, Africa and South America, causing severe droughts and threatening food supply for billions of people.
Climate engineering is not a "proposal", it has long since been a lethal reality. This reality cannot be hidden in plain site for much longer as the cataclysmic consequences from the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault manifest in every conceivable way. All of us are needed and essential in the most critical battle to fully expose the geoengineering insanity. If we can expose it, we can stop it, make your voice heard.
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