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Sun Responsible for Global warming

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oblem, but they aren't the main cause. How could greenhouse gases on Earth affect Mars, and Jupiter which are also warming?

However, the Sun's output is beyond our capabilities to fix. . . panic may follow and thus, harm the economy. It's all about control of people and money.

That said, even if CO2 emissions weren't a significant cause of global warming, we should make every effort to implement alternate energy methods. Who isn't sick of being held hostage by oil conglomerates and Mideast nations?

Natural disasters will only increase as weather becomes more violent. Prepare your home and family with our FREE information. Regardless of cause, we must all be ready to face nature's onslaught. We've already had a nasty taste of what's to come and it won't get better.

And one last special note to Christians. Though Genesis 1:26 says God gave man dominion over everything on Earth, that shouldn't be construed as a license to exploit. We are tasked as caretakers, not destroyers of gifts.


March 5,2007


Two new reports cast doubt on the manmade global warming theory and instead point to another cause for the recent warming of Earth — changes in the sun.

One report from National Geographic News asserts, "Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet’s recent climate changes have a natural — and not a human-induced — cause, according to one scientist’s controversial theory.”

Data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey mission in 2005 disclosed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps” near Mars’ south pole had been shrinking for three consecutive summers.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the shrinking provides evidence that the current warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun, according to the National Geographic article.

"The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars,” he said. "Manmade greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance.”

The other report offers a mechanism behind the changes in the sun — variations in its magnetic field.

Compiled by scientists at the Danish National Space Center, it maintains that the Earth’s climate is strongly influenced by cosmic rays from exploded stars.

The cosmic rays help make ordinary clouds, and high levels of rays and cloudiness cool the planet, while lower levels of radiation lead to milder temperatures, according to the Danish report, which is cited by Marc Morano, communications director for the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, on the committee’s Web site.

"Cosmic ray intensities — and therefore cloudiness — keep changing because the sun’s magnetic field varies in its ability to repel cosmic rays coming from the galaxy before they reach the Earth,” the Danish report by Henrik Svensmark, head of the Space Center, explains.

Whenever the sun’s magnetic field was weak, cosmic ray intensities were high and the climate cooled, most recently in the little ice age that climaxed 300 years ago.

Several scientists cited in the report believe that changes in the Earth’s climate are linked to "the journey of the sun and the Earth through the Milky Way Galaxy. They blame the icehouse episodes on encounters with bright spiral arms, where cosmic rays are most intense.”

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